

  • If you push yourself to eat to the point where you are uncomfortable, you are going to be miserable. I focus mainly on my carbs and let the rest fall into place. I stopped trying to keep up with the protein and fat after about a week when I was sitting there trying to choke down a chicken breast to make my macros. Not…
  • You know what reddit has a lot of: giant gaping *kitten*... I'm sure if you continue here, rather than there, those jerks will move along. If not, you have the option of setting your MFP profile to private or friends only (under settings/privacy settings). Good luck, you are off to a good start.
  • As far as vodka, I'm a fan of Absolute Ruby Red, diet tonic. Also, gin. Regarding the wine, I cut a glass with seltzer to make a spritzer, because most of my wine intake is heavily dependent on delicious homemade wine.