If I Only Focus On One Macronutrient...

How concerned should I be about eating UP to the other percentage goals? Specifically, Im focusing on eating around 100g of Carbs per day which puts me at a 25/45/30 ratio. How much should I worry about stuffing in 180g of Protein in order to meet that 45%?

*I exercise 5 or 6 days a week, cardio and strength training, for about 30-45 each session and I have over 100lbs to lose (if that matters)

Thanks for any help.


  • callmeabeast
    Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body, not only to do physical activity but also for your internal organs to function properly. You want to make sure your carbohydrates are 55% of your intake. If you have say too much fat it will be stored as fat on your body. Too much protein will build up toxins which will then push your kidneys into overdrive and eventually make you dehydrated. If you are working out a lot and trying to burn a lot of fat by doing cardio, you body desperately needs carbohydrates for energy as I said before that is the primary source for energy. If you don't have enough carbohydrates in your body it will then look to your fat nutrients and start using that for energy which is not good!! Your percentages should be 55% carbohydrates, 15% protein, and 30% fats.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    If you have say too much fat it will be stored as fat on your body

    This is wrong. Dietary fat is not the same as adipose.
  • Erinjbf
    Erinjbf Posts: 4
    If you push yourself to eat to the point where you are uncomfortable, you are going to be miserable.

    I focus mainly on my carbs and let the rest fall into place. I stopped trying to keep up with the protein and fat after about a week when I was sitting there trying to choke down a chicken breast to make my macros. Not worth it.
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    If you have say too much fat it will be stored as fat on your body

    This is wrong. Dietary fat is not the same as adipose.

    You could try to actually respond to the OP instead of flaming incorrect advice... I love how some people focus on the 'one bad sentence' out of literally PARAGRAPHS of correct advice.

    <<< Leading by example <<<

    Bunnie, I wouldn't be able to provide any specifics regarding your question but I can say that from my personal experience, I have made sure that all %'s are as close to the mark as possible, and almost always in MFP's 'green zone'.

    I made sure to exercise as often as possible (3 times a week) and kept my calorie limits close to my limit. As of 5 months in I've made an average of 1550 calories per day with my limit set at, now, 1770 calories. But that's 'averaged' some days would be well over, others well under.

    I wouldn't worry about the %'s all in all so long as your calorie limits are being balanced. If you take it day by day I'm sure you'll find your balance.