

  • Good luck I have weighed myself today and started this again as been off it for a while, and it certainly shows!! I think writing the food down helps, but i'm not going to beat myself up if I go over at weekends. I'm going to weigh every Friday too, be nice to egg each other on. Good luck for the following week: 02/01/13 -…
  • This is absolutely amazing, so inspiring well done you - did you also do a lot of exercising? I'm at a stage whereby the classes I go to are closing for the xmas break (I go to the Uni gym where I work) and I also have an essay of my own to complete for the New Year - so trying to prioritise my essay but also mentally…
  • Wow, well done that's brilliant :-)
  • Thanks Charloo I do hope once birthday is over it will be much easier, and I won't beat myself up so much - but at least starting now is better than not starting at all I guess - good luck with your 2 stone - although your pic doesn't look like you need to lose that much :-)
  • Thank you :-) Your point about taking it a day at a time is totally right - however, I do find it hard not to beat myself up about things - hopefully it will get better the more the journey proceeds - fingers crossed anyway :-)
  • Hi thank you for your post. I started exercising again today, after two weeks off, and feeling much better for it. I think once I get my birthday "week" out the way it will be much easier - your suggestion on the carbs was very useful thank you - I find they're my weakness and wine!!