Struggling newbie

Hi, my friend was given this website to try and she informed me about it. So I had a look straight away and started adding my food diary/exercise that day too. Well....not sure whether this week was a good week to start as it's my birthday and with it comes a couple of days eating and drinking and general merriment. However, I am determined that no matter what I eat and drink I will still continue with this during the week, and hopefully it will reign me in a bit.

So I am not expecting much this forthcoming week but am definitely going to keep an eye on my calories up to christmas and see whether this actually will help as I've tried being good but don't seem to be losing any weight so hopefully keeping an eye on the old calories will eventually help - ideally would like to lose a stone, in no huge rush but seeing it come off gradually would definitely spur me on.

Any tips would be massively appreciated. Let the journey begin :-)


  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    can you do any exercise? doing a little a day may help.

    Dropping carbs helped me get kickstarted .. i found I was eating loads of bread or potatoes, rice with meals so cut them completely for first two weeks and lost 10lbs then started adding them in one day a week (only one item per day) then twice a week.. I'm still losing steadily and having a treat day once a week. I make sure exercise days and treat days co-incide too.. so have plenty of spare calories and still have a deficit!

    Hope that helps. :happy:
  • Secrease
    Secrease Posts: 9 Member
    Hello there! I have struggled with getting motivated and tapping into my will power to get healthy and lose weight. A friend of mine introduce me to myfitness. pal. I am hoping I can have success as she has. She has lost at least 60 lbs in the past year or less and she looks great. My advice is to take one day at a time. Don't beat yourself up if you have a slip up, just re-focus and start it again. The more you repeat a something the more likely it is to become a habit so work in making exercise and better food choices a habit. Good luck to you and much success today and the days to come.
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Hey, 1 stone to lose is easily achievable and so doing it healthily and even if it comes off slowly is the best way cause its more likely to stay off. I wanna lose 2stone and im just taking each week as it comes and setting small targets i.e half a stone at a time. But enjoy ur birthday and then just see next week as ur total fresh start once thats all out of the way. Good luck! :)
  • poppet75
    Hi thank you for your post.

    I started exercising again today, after two weeks off, and feeling much better for it. I think once I get my birthday "week" out the way it will be much easier - your suggestion on the carbs was very useful thank you - I find they're my weakness and wine!!
  • poppet75
    Thank you :-)

    Your point about taking it a day at a time is totally right - however, I do find it hard not to beat myself up about things - hopefully it will get better the more the journey proceeds - fingers crossed anyway :-)
  • poppet75
    Thanks Charloo

    I do hope once birthday is over it will be much easier, and I won't beat myself up so much - but at least starting now is better than not starting at all I guess - good luck with your 2 stone - although your pic doesn't look like you need to lose that much :-)
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Look at this as a journey, as a lifestyle change. Log in everyday, everything you eat and drink. Don't beat yourself over mistakes. Exercise! Use portion control. Eat back some or all your exercise calories. Most of all love yourself enough to keep going! Motivation comes from within, you have to want this bad enough to do the work! This website is a great tool and you will find wonderful support here!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    There will always be an excuse why you had to eat bad. They are just excuses. Always think before you reach. Moderation, self control and portion control is key.
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Thanks Charloo

    I do hope once birthday is over it will be much easier, and I won't beat myself up so much - but at least starting now is better than not starting at all I guess - good luck with your 2 stone - although your pic doesn't look like you need to lose that much :-)
    Yeh its never worth beating urself up about it :) You've planned what ur gunna do therefore ur on the right track already.
    And aww thanks, i just wanna lose 2 stone cause thats what i've gained, all my weight mainly goes to my stomach and tops of my legs so u probs can't tell on my pics lol.
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    I too am a "Struggling newbie"....Hang in there. The positive energy on this site is very motivating. Keep going :smile: