cakesmooth Member


  • Yay, great news!
  • Exciting!
  • I love you guys! Thanks so much! Feel much better now!
  • 13 w 1 d. I've started my coffee routine back up at 1/2 c a day. I couldn't take the fatigue! I feel like I'm eating so much more then my MFP momma friends due around the same time. I'm at maintenance. I'm wondering if nausea or vomiting keeps there cals so low or are they holding off on increasing cals. I was never really…
  • Yes! Someone started a post a whole ago. You may have to dig deep to find it. I'm due April 9th!
  • I use the Sonoline B fetal Doppler. Bought it for $35 on Craigslist. You can buy them on eBay too. I found the heartbeat the first time I tried which was 9 w 5 d. 12 weeks tomorrow!
  • Oh, I want to join in! I'm Caroline! I have a 3.5 year old son and am due April 9th. I'm 32 years old. I have my 2nd prenatal appt tomorrow. I bought a Doppler a few weeks ago so I listen to baby regularly and it seems ok to me. I gained about 40 pounds with my son and remained overweight yet very active. I workout hard…
  • Week 11 starts tomorrow! Also have my 2nd prenatal appt tomorrow. I am feeling pretty happy about this pregnancy since we bought a Doppler in week 9! It's so reassuring especially since I have lost two pregnancies. May all you mommas who have lost angels find comfort in something as well! I weigh much less then I did at…
  • I'm so excited to see you here! Be sure to keep me updated!
  • Switching to maintenance felt like so much food to me in the beginning. Feels just right now. :). Enjoy those extra calories!
  • Bought a Fetal Doppler yesterday! I love the sound of my baby's heartbeat! I'm thrilled! I've lost a few pregnancies within a year and am worried as heck! The Doppler is a godsend! 9 weeks 3 days today and weight is unchanged. :). I hope all of you previous loss mommies are doing alright. I know how scary it can be.
  • Weight is slowly rising. Have gained almost two of the three pounds lost. And I'm ok with that! Those three pounds were like a little Oreo shelter. ;b. My eating habits have begun to decline. They definitely aren't what they were when I was losing. But that's ok. They aren't as bad as they were with all of my previous…
  • I had a planned natural nonmedicated home birth with my son. The birth of his placenta on the other hand required pitocin and anti-hemorrhage drugs due to a complication. I also required a local anesthetic for my perenium when it was sutured. I am definitely planning another natural birth! I loved it and it was awesome.
  • I asked where the placenta was attached to my uterus and the tech wasn't able to tell at my ultrasound yesterday. I was 7 weeks 2 days.
  • Had my US yesterday at 7 weeks 2 days. Baby is great and in the right place. Heart rate was 187 which is higher than my last baby who was further along and passed away soon after the US. I feel happy for the first time since I found out I was pregnant! I want to celebrate and starting to make plans and think that my baby…
  • Those are nutritious things! I wish I had nausea. How far along are you? I lost weight in my first two pregnancies due to nausea and aversions as well. I had no nausea with the last one and lost it early.
  • Is anyone else losing weight? I've lost 3 pounds in 3 weeks and I'm 6 weeks currently. I've increased my cals, decreased my excercise a bit, and have no nausea or aversions at all. The nurse said not to worry but after 2 losses that's just impossible.
  • Great news! An active baby is an amazing thing to see during an ultrasound!
  • I understand. I'm 6 weeks today and have no nausea. I want nausea! I had it with my first two pregnancies but not with my last one which miscarried. I know that many healthy babies are born to moms that had no nausea but I want it! It would tell me that sweet pea is ok. I am super tired, cranky, boobs hurt, and smell…
  • My due date according to ovulation day is April 9th! Go Spring babies!
  • Awesome! I've been trying to bring home #2 for two years. Welcome! When is your calculated due date?
  • I had a D&C for a missed miscarriage in May and stillborn twins last September. Prayers to you and your family.
  • I am so sorry!
  • I will pray for you and baby! In May I was 11 weeks along when I found my little baby had passed a few weeks prior. Can you call you doctor for advice? Please take it easy! Keep your feet up and drink lots of water. Keep us posted.
  • Smart!!
  • You guys are awesome! Thank you for all your comments. I've decreased down to 1750, will eat most (if not all) excercise cals, and will eat when I'm hungry. I'm only 5 weeks but have known about the pregnancy for 2 and hopefully I haven't gained already.
  • I excercised lot with my first pregnancy but ate a lot as well. I was strong enough for a natural birth but super fat. How do you all figure out your maintenance calories. MFP put me at 2000 cals for maintenance but it seems high.
  • My son is on an alternative schedule. I've started vaccinating him now that he's 3. He had his first DTP in the Spring and he'll receive boosters every 6 months until he's caught up. Once he's caught up (age 5) I'll consider the MMR but may wait til he's 6. I want him to get all the vaccines available but not until he was…
  • Welcome! I have a 3 year old too and gained too much weight. I kept some of it on with the excuse of trying to conceive #2 (2 losses since then). It was hard to get motivated to lose weight when I felt I was going to get pregnant and fat again. This time I refuse to gain extra weight! I lost 8 pounds before getting…
  • I'm sorry about your loss and difficult journey. I'm also sorry that people think you are trying to replace your child. I don't think that at all. My son is amazing and I want another child too. Best wishes to you.