Generally people recommend fasted cardio, but if you're lifting then it's usually beneficial to get a good meal in 45-90 mins in before a workout, which will usually help in terms of strength.
I definitely don't use up the whole day when I do a re-feed! Haha. I usually eat WAY below maintenance throughout the 2 weeks, so going above it is nearly impossible even on a re-feed day. Thank you though! And lemme just say, what ever you are doing is clearly paying off! That physique is incredible.
I know all this! :p I've been cutting calories, losing weight, and once every two weeks, I will have a refeed day with most of my calories coming from carbs, some protein, and as little fat as possible, without going over maintenance calories on the refeed day. I've also been doing heavy strength training on top of all…
I could paraphrase buuuut since this is the article I read when I was initially looking into cutting.. >One should also incorporate re-feeds into their diet plan. Re-feeds help boost a hormone called leptin, which is the mother of all fat burning hormones. As one diets, leptin levels drop in an attempt by the body to spare…
You look like you have absolutely no body fat to lose. :p I don't think you need to worry about fat loss when you already look cut up as ****
- Read down to the part about re-feeds.
I get carbs from things like green veggies and peanut butter. That's about it. Initially, it helped me drop 60 pounds. When I started lifting heavy, the weight loss stalled. I started a body fat % cut about 3 weeks ago and dropped about 9 pounds since then just by eating at the deficit and lowering my fat intake.
When you eat at a caloric deficit for an increased period of time, the body adjusts to it. Having a small cheat meal (nothing crazy like a box of donuts obviously) helps "shock" the body back into burning more, which speeds up weight loss. On the topic of carbs, yes cutting back carbs helps fat loss, and weight loss in…
I'm on a cut right now where I don't eat carbs, and I eat on a caloric deficit. Cutting carbs isn't NECESSARY, but it does help speed up the process. Then again, everyone's body is different. Not everyone will get the same results. Losing body fat --> lower calories(calculate based on TDEE) and stick to a low cal diet,…
Protein isn't for fat loss. It's for maintaining muscle mass, and helping repair muscles. To lose body fat, you need to cut carbs and only intake healthy fats, ie fish, olive oil, avocado, peanut butter(fresh ground, not the stuff from jars that's loaded with sugar and preservatives). I can see why you'd assume you need X…
A binge? No. I do low carb, high protein, moderate fat now that I'm cutting weight. I did one cheat meal in 2 weeks, which helps boost the metabolism after it slows down from eating at a large calorie deficit (I usually have trouble even hitting 1000 calories most days). I woke up the next day almost 5 pounds heavier in…
Make out.
Errrrr, oops, too late! Pass. Sorry :p
Hot :)
I have one big one on my upper left arm from my favorite tv show :) I'm actually getting another one soon. They're extremely addicting!
Definitely hot.
I was on a plane home when I saw the commercial for the new season of American Horror Story. I heard "House of the Rising Sun" being used in the commercial and that's when I decided I needed to see that show. It's INCREDIBLE. I hate having to wait for new episodes!
Woah now, if you kidnap me how can I participate in this thread?
That smile! :D
Gorgeous face and smile.
Bring it!
Wave :)
Wave! :)
Why not?! I like being supportive of other people and their personal goals. :) If the person becomes inactive, that means it's their time to go off my list. If a person like ME can stick to something for over 6 months (I used to have horrible willpower, not anymore though!), then there's no reason someone else can't! tl;dr…
Holy jesus, yes. Smokin hot.