

  • Hello everyone! I am here for the challenge (: my name is Andrea, I joined this MFP this past Sunday and was lucky enough to find Loredana in a search. I am a new mom and have been putting off losing this baby weight for months now. I actually have no current pictures of myself on this temporary computer we are using while…
  • Hey Marley, I am Andrea- I joined yesterday and it was nice being aware of what I was taking in and that I could exercise and "earn" myself a little extra snack (: I slept great last night! Self discipline helps in other ways than just looking better (: Good luck with your journey! I have already had some great tips and…
  • Hey, Thanks Chicky, I 'm heading to the grocery store today and am excited to pick up some new things....now if I can get my husband who looks great no matter what he eats, to join me. I 'm sure he will (:
  • Hey new girl (: I'm here to listen to tips and share them once I figure them out (: I am a mom now and want to set an example for my son. We have always been active and now need to focus on our nutrition.....and oh yeah, shrink my butt (: haha
  • Hey great idea! I am willing to work out more for Thanksgiviing dinner in a few weeks (: I will not deprive myself of such a feast-really (:
  • Hello, this is day one and I can't believe how many calories I ate yesterday. I looked it all up and am just glad this will allow me to keep track of my intake. I'm super excited about this site! I've heard nothing but great things (:
  • Yes, eating later has also been a horrible habit of mine, it began when I was pregnant last year. I felt nauseous during the day and the evening was my time to eat without feeling ill. My son is now 10 months and I am so ready to lose the extra 35 and feel like myself again (: My parents are on MFP and introduced it to me…