sarahjayne823 Member


  • No You Can't! The more I hear that, the harder I work to prove them wrong!
  • You need to visit a running store to be properly sized/fitted. They will be able to offer the best shoes for your foot, according to the way you walk/run. I get all of my running shoes from the Texas Running Company here in Houston -- and I am usually always fitted with an Asics. Fabulous fit every time!!
  • My all-time favorite, barring calories, is eggs, bacon/sausage and whole-grain toast with coffee. For the last 6 months, I have had a Click protein shake, using skim milk, hot. It's now my favorite, and I drink it 7 days a week, and I have to drink it within 30 minutes of getting up in the morning or my blood sugar is too…
  • Sounds like Lovenox. I did not have to have the injections either, but I give myself a SQ injection every week for my arthritis. Very easy to do. I've got a couple of "fat rolls" on my stomach. Just grab a handful of skin and inject. You're wanting to get it into the adipose (fat) tissue in your abdomin (luckily I've got…
  • Congratulations to everyone! My vsg was 8/07/12, so a few months before. Good luck and keep us posted on how you're doing!
  • Me, too! VSG on 8/07/12. My diary is also open -- friend me and feel free to have a look.
  • Sandy, yes, I did a pre-op diet. I actually had to lose weight to even qualify for the surgery, according to my insurance company. So, I did a modified-liquid diet for about 6 weeks to drop some weight, and because of that, my surgeon only made me do a 7 day liquid diet pre-op. I dropped 35 lbs pre-surgery. Yeah, your…
  • I eat what everyone else eats, just much less of it. Menu for today: B: 1 sausage patty, 1 scrambled egg with picante sauce AM Snack: chobani yogurt Lunch: 1 cup chili PM snack: 1 string cheese and a pear. My eating got way behind today, so will probably not eat dinner. Maybe just a glass of milk. Protein first, then…
  • Excellent -- doing great!!!
  • Hi! I'm Sarah.I've been using MFP since February and have gotten into the habit of tracking my food and exercise -- such a great app!!! My VSG is scheduled for Tuesday morning, August 7th! I'm getting excited to "get on with it" and move on with my life -- instead of the hoping and planning for the last six months. I've…
  • You are giving back everyday as an inspiration to me!! Keep it up!