

  • I'm doing a 60/15/25 plan currently. But that's because on an average day, I workout 126 minutes and burn 1479 calories, so I need the fuel :)
  • 8 6am - Snack (before morning workout) 8am - Breakfast 10am - Snack 12pm - Lunch 2pm - Snack 4pm - Snack 6pm - Dinner 8:30 pm - Snack (after evening workout)
  • It started with just weights, and light cardio for a few months. Then I added cycling. Then I did P90X starting in March. I'm currently doing an Insanity/P90X hybrid program. On top of that, I use MFP religiously to track everything I consume/burn to make sure my body is in a balanced state.
  • I have received several questions regarding this post, so I figure I would answer them in case anyone else had them as well. 1. How much of a daily time commitment is this for you/how do you fit it all in? It varies, but it's generally 40-60 minutes in the morning, and the same at night. I try to balance the workouts so…
  • Thank you! You can never go wrong with a tuxedo t-shirt, hehe.
  • I hear ya there. It recommends 1690 calories a day for me. I usually net around 1700 calories a day, but I also do a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio every day, so I actually eat anywhere from 2100-2300 calories. I also eat something every 2 hours starting at 8am and ending at 10pm, so I never really find myself getting…
  • Hi everyone. I just started using this site a little over a week ago. I got out of the Army 2 years ago and put on 30 pounds. I figured it was time to try and lose the same amount I put on. I'm 6'1" and weighed 260 when I started. My goal is to get down to 230 pounds. When I got out of basic training, I was in the best…