Thanks for the informative post. Well, I can't do more than 20 minutes a day because that'd mean getting up at 6am, and I don't get enough sleep as it is! So I'll need to just keep doing the 20 minutes. Here's another thought/question, if I instead concentrate on burning calories, and have a calorie deficit every day then…
I have just found an article that explains how some foods make your body burn calories breaking them down more than other foods, or help it break down fat - That's why protein is good, it uses more calories to burn that to burn something fatty.
Hmm, I did wonder if I was overthinking it! I think I will just concentrate on calories in and out. I went to the supermarket and went to buy some nuts, and for a small bag of nuts there were 500+ calories in them! So I don't know how on earth nuts can be good for burning body fat. Anyway, I stayed away!
Arghh I fear the lack of reponses is probably to do with my question not being clear!! Basically, can I ignore the calorie count of things if I only eat foods that promote fat burning, whilst doing 20 mins of fat burning exercise on a morning before breakfast? So like, if I ate some cashew nuts, the calorie content…
Ok, so really I can't get away with ignoring calroie counting then? I still have to count the calories in nuts, other protien rich food? How does eating protien = burning fat? Plus, another poster above mentioned her husband uses them as meal replacements, if I have a protient shake, do I need to count the calorie content?
Thanks for that. Yeah I am staying away from white carbs. Ok so protein is good because it repairs the muscles torn when exercising, well at least I know that now! The fat in my body, does that come from eating food with fat in them? So say I lost some body fat but then ate something with fat in it, would that then store…
Thanks for the website links, but I find them so hard to use. I've looked at maybe 20 recipe websites today and I am just bamboozled by the amount of infomraiton on them, so I think I am better with a book.
Thanks. It has good reviews this one. What about the number of ingredients?
Thanks for all your comments people and advice. I'm going to read through them all and make notes and have a plan. I am going on holiday a week on Monday, so I don't know whether I should wait til I get back to start or not...MInd you, I would like to be a few pounds lighter by then so maybe I'll start this Monday!
Yes, that'd be great thank you. I'll msg u my email.
That's great, thank you :)
That's a great idea, thanks. I also get very stressed not knowing what to cook, and sometimes I have gone to bed without eating because I just don't know what to make! Organisation and planning are the key to sucess I think!
Thanks for your reply. I don't like the look of those weight watchers meals, or any pre-packed meals with meat in it, to be honest. May I do need to cook :(
Yeah I could do that. But what do I make? Snacks...well I am not sure what to have for snacks, I have fruit as a snack, but that doesn't fill me up at all. Although I have been finding these brilliant 80 calories crisps which I love, trouble is they are dead crispy and I work in a really quiet office so I don't like to eat…
Haha that's great I am not alone!! I know it's hard. How have you managed to lose weight so far?
Yeah I'm loving the fact that every day when I do the same cardio work out, its less and less difficult to do, so I must be getting fitter! So glad I quit, just horrible thinking about all that rubbish I was breathing in to my lungs.
Thank you people for the advice. I'm off to bed now, got a bbq tomorrow a long drive away, but I'll be sure to check out the exercises you all suggested. Many thanks xxx
Oh and please feel free to add me as a friend, I have no friends on here :(