sallyucf Member


  • I am set to a 1300 cal diet but honestly most days I eat 1600-1700 cal. Things I enjoy include cereal with milk, greek yogurt, vitatops, jimmy dean delights (260 cal, when I am in a rush in the morning), grilled chicken rolled in crushed cereal, fresh veggies, bananas, 100 cal snack packs/bars. I really try not to deprive…
  • I LOVE MOVING COMFORT BRAS!!! When I first started running a few months ago I realized the Target bras I had were not going to work. I did many hours of research, I read a million reviews on bras and finally decided to purchase from this site. I bought a couple different bras from them to see what style I liked (I am a…
  • I am trying really hard to do this. I used to drink a diet soda with every meal; honestly! Now I drink water for breakfast and dinner. I still drink a soda at dinner but I drink it with a water so I usually end up drinking half the can. I only started a week ago. So far so good. First couple days I did get headaches…
  • This is great! I am new to MFP and would love to be down 20 pounds by spring break (more would be awesome but I am starting with a goal I can reach, hopefully!!!). I am 23 years old, 5'6" and 205 pounds; goal is 160 pounds. I live in Florida and have purchased many tiny two pieces but always end up returning them or…