

  • Agree with the above, you may want to get a full blood workup by your doc to make sure everything is ok. Phantom/easily bruised can be a sign of some underlying conditions.
  • Most are loaded with sodium for the small amount of the serving just use it sparingly of you're watching sodium intake.
  • Keep in mind that when MFP sets your calorie goal for the day, it's already taking into account the deficit needed to reach your weight loss goal.....without exercise. Looking at only a few days of your diary, it doesn’t' appear that you are eating enough. You're allowed close to 2000 calories per day and you are only…
  • If 2/3 cups of dry pasta doubles when cooks and = 230 calories for 1 1/3 cups, then half of that you eat....2/3 cups cooks is = 115 calories. Hope this helps!
  • Shoes at the any store really range in price between manufacturer and even the type of shoes from each manufacturer. I again urge you NOT to by online, especially if you are looking for new shoes or have never worn a certain brand before. The specialty run stores are professionals who are runners themselves and know how to…
  • Hold some dumbbells in your hands, stand with just your toes on the edge of a stair (make sure you're wearing shoes), lower your heels to below the stair level, as low as you can go. Then press upwards, effectively standing up on your tip-toes. Really press upwards as much as you can, feel your calves flex, repeat! :) Do a…
  • Totally agree with everyone here...go get fitted. Shoes are so specific to each and every person. Go to a good running shop and have them fit you. DO NOT go to the big sports stores...go to a specialty running shop. The kids that work at sports authority don't know anything about how a proper running shoe should fit. Plus…
  • To me it sounds like you are focusing too much on your breathing. I totally get that some have to do this, but try to NOT focus on it so much. Try to just breath naturally as it comes. Side stiches are usually related to one of 2 things, breathing or having food/lots of water in your stomach. If your not eating 1-2 hours…
  • I've done 2 rounds of P90x and just started my third round this week. I prefer the weights as well. I feel that you get resistance in the full range of motion over the bands (example: closer you get to the starting position with the band, the resistance drops significantly) Also I'm downright scared of the bands! ;) About…
  • The calories burned per MFP will be much more accurate than a treadmill that doesn't allow you put in your height, weight, age and doesn't measure your heart rate. The treadmill, MFP, even HRM's all us algorithms to attempt to determine how many calories you burned during a given time period with a given effort. My…
  • Silk has flavored coffee creamers that are alot less in calories and sugar. They don't "cream" your coffee as good, but it's a good alternative. Plus, if you ever look a the ingredients list of those flavord "non-dairy" creamers....they are all chemicals!!! Most of the ingredient lists I can't even pronounce! Plus you know…