

  • I totally agree. I weigh once a week.. that's it. It feels good to see my accomplishments, yeah, but I know that with occasional bloating I am going to have days where it's not a desirable outcome if I jump on the scales first thing. Don't beat yourself up.
  • Hello! Good luck with everything!!! :D Add me if you like! :)
  • The only time I get a chance to sit around is at work. lol I have a 9 month old. However, I'm most hungry around lunch and dinner time.. like excessively hungry. :/
  • YES. I also feel like a bottom-less pit when I'm on my cycle.. the week of and the week before, (mostly chocolate and salt)!! I do exercise while on as well.
  • I'm half afraid to try that.. knowing that I need to lose 40lbs and then eating something that I consider a treat will make me feel guilty which will be a little counter-productive for me because then I'll feel bad despite the fact that it "fits" into my calories. :/ Something to just completely curb the cravings…
  • lol so yeah.. from someone who was recently pregnant, I was tired all the time and grumpy. From what I know about the diet, however, you're only allowed to consume 500 calories a day? That alone is enough to starve someone into losing weight without the drops. I suppose as long as you're capable of developing good…
  • Thank you!! :D I'm hopeful. :)
  • It's my opinion that failure is also often a curious way of winning as long as you learn from it.. and as long as we're doing this for the right reasons, we'll rock it. I have faith in us. :D
  • I'm new too!! Congrats on also being new!!