HCG Diet



  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Thanks!!! That was very insightful.... and agreed.... some people can be a bit....ummmm MUCH!
    Folks have fun with this topic -- don't take it personally. :smile:

    Good for you for inquiring, and doing your homework. Don't take our word for it. Check out those links, and I'm confident that you'll see that you will not be doing yourself any favors.

    Best wishes on your fitness goals! :drinker:
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    ok so general concenses is:
    It's a No! LOL
    I will be come pregnant and hungry and then able to pass along my pregnant lady pee! LOL Thanks ALL!!! i will admit i did not expect so many people to respond so quickly... :)
    Another life saved! :drinker:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    ok so general concenses is:
    It's a No! LOL
    I will be come pregnant and hungry and then able to pass along my pregnant lady pee! LOL Thanks ALL!!! i will admit i did not expect so many people to respond so quickly... :)

    Glad you decided not to do this diet. Just take your time. You didn't gain weight overnight, so don't expect it to come off overnight. Slow and steady wins the race girl. :smile:

    EDIT: I misread your post. Sorry hon!
  • Football_N_Guns
    Football_N_Guns Posts: 297 Member
    Do you think you can actually ONLY eat 500 calories per day? I would be constantly angry and feeling deprived.

    I had 500 cals for breakfast alone, eating that little all day, probably not a good idea.
  • mlharris
    mlharris Posts: 28 Member
    I've been on here for over a year, eating my calories, and hadn't lost a thing. I bought the groupon and have been doing it for 2 weeks to kick start my weightloss and have lost 8 pounds and feel absolutely fine. No side affects, not hungry, not craving foods. I do have something for breakfast even though it says not to, usually fruit or an egg. I also work out 4 times a week and will have something to eat before I go. I think I'm eating 700 cals a day and have just as much energy.

    I did try "the right" way, sooo many times I can't tell you, and have actually had a bit of success with this. If this can help to get me going, I know enough about not starving yourself and listening to your body that I:m not going to go crazy. It helps me with portion control and not just putting things in my mouth cause I'm bored.

    It's not pee either, just water and I was skeptical to what was in it, but I don't know, I am doing good..... I've tried so hard, for so long>>>>>
  • hdhbam
    hdhbam Posts: 40
    THe other little fact they neglect to mention is that it increases your chances of getteing pregnant. Its really just not good for you
    Really? I can't imagine that a starvation diet could increase chances of conceiving. Mother nature can't be that dumb.

    (Edit: I am in no way advocating for the HCG diet.)

    It's the hormone that increases the chances, not the starving.
  • ok so general concenses is:
    It's a No! LOL
    I will be come pregnant and hungry and then able to pass along my pregnant lady pee! LOL Thanks ALL!!! i will admit i did not expect so many people to respond so quickly... :)

    I think you misunderstood the pregnant lady pee comment. HCG is the hormone produced during pregnancy by women and excreted in the urine.

    Glad you decided not to do this diet. Just take your time. You didn't gain weight overnight, so don't expect it to come off overnight. Slow and steady wins the race girl. :smile:

    I understand that HCG is a hormone that Pregnant woman produce... it was an apparently failed attempt at a witty comment :D well.... off to lunch... i am thinking a McRib! LOL j/k
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I did it four times and lost 112 lbs. I started out @ 283 lbs, I did 2 60 day rounds (waited 2 months in between and maintained) lost 36 lbs each. Then did a 50 day round and lost 28 lbs, then waited 6 weeks for maintenance to end and did one more round.
    I wanted to do a 50 day round again and loos 30 lbs, but I didn't have enough abnormal fat for it to work, so I ended up having to stop after 21 days. I only lost 12 lbs.

    I have maintained my weight loss since with in 2 lbs except around that time of the month I usually gain 4 to 6 lbs (bloating).

    It works, but you have to have a lot of access fat for it to work.
    These were taken 08/2010
    These were taken 01/2011
    These were taken 05/2011
    These were taken 09/2011
    These were taken yesterday.

    as you can see from the pics I still have my bum and my beautiful bosoms, it also balanced out my body. But that last round was not a good one, I was starving, again you have to have a lot of abnormal fat for you to live off of, and if you decide to to the diet myhcgplus.com have nutritionist that will help for free. so definitely call them the number is off the website. They were a big help to me.

    Good luck!
  • lol so yeah.. from someone who was recently pregnant, I was tired all the time and grumpy. From what I know about the diet, however, you're only allowed to consume 500 calories a day? That alone is enough to starve someone into losing weight without the drops. I suppose as long as you're capable of developing good eating/exercising habits while starving, I imagine the weight will stay off though.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I understand that HCG is a hormone that Pregnant woman produce... it was an apparently failed attempt at a witty comment :D well.... off to lunch... i am thinking a McRib! LOL j/k
    I like this kid!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    THe other little fact they neglect to mention is that it increases your chances of getteing pregnant. Its really just not good for you
    Really? I can't imagine that a starvation diet could increase chances of conceiving. Mother nature can't be that dumb.

    (Edit: I am in no way advocating for the HCG diet.)

    It's the hormone that increases the chances, not the starving.
    I suppose. That's just a recipe for disaster (read: major nutrient depletion).
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    For each success story you find here, you will find numerous stories of being miserable and/or gaining it all back (including mine). Don't take my word for it. Try doing a search of past threads.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Before any of you spend any more time on the HCG diet, please check out these websites. They have a lot of good, scientific information on the plan,

    Overall, it says that all the scientific studies conclude that HCG does NOTHING for weight loss, it's just an expensive placebo, and it's dangerous to try and live on only 500 calories a day on that plan.



    I know people that thought they were doing great on HCG, then ended up in the hospital, extremely sick from malnutrition. You might lose weight fast on that plan, but it's not healthy, and you can do a lot of damage to your health. And nearly everyone I know that did it gained back more than they lost, so they went through all that starvation and malnutrition for nothing.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator

    I wanted to clarify a point, since we're getting some reports about this thread.

    Topics on the public forums must accept input from all members, unless that input is in violation of the forum guidelines.

    Members disagreeing or debating a topic is not the same as insulting or attacking. So far, I see debate in this thread, and strongly urged advice, but no rudeness or disrespect.

    If you wish to participate a conversation about HCG without hearing (polite but) differing opinions, there are Groups forming the Groups section (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups) for just that purpose.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • jazzkat68
    jazzkat68 Posts: 101 Member
    I have a lot of friends who are on it and who have completed the diet with a lot of "success."
    They have dropped between 40 and 70 pounds in an extremely fast matter of time.

    I will not go on the diet for a lot of reasons.

    1. You should never lose weight that quickly
    2. The diet prohibits exercise
    3. (As a woman) It messes with your reproductive system
    4. It's a shortcut. And shortcuts never work in the long run.

    This! I was at a cookout this past weekend and this lady was raving about this diet. She lost 8 pounds in less than a week. Then I heard that you could only eat 500 calories a day!! Really?! No wonder for the weight loss! My philosophy: the slower the weight loss, the more permanent it will be!

    Good luck to ya :flowerforyou:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    If HCG supposedly curbs hunger, then why are pregnant females hungry and have cravings? Think about it.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member

    If you are on the HCG diet, I would suggest that you get off the plan and get your calories back up to at least 1,200 a day as soon as possible. Even though the HCG diet is getting a lot of press these days, there is no medical evidence to back up it's claims, and most weight loss experts recommend that you eat at least 1,200 calories a day, and more if you are exercising.

    The articles below have numerous links about research that's been done on the HCG diet program by doctors and scientists around the world.

    Good luck with your weight loss, but I don't think the HCG diet will get you where you want to go.


