jeepin_girl Member


  • cindyangotti I was wondering that over the weekend also. I have been told that I need to stay around 1200 calories, but now that I am researching several websites it is calculating closer to 2000. I am going to increase my calories this week also to see if I am able to see a bigger payoff. Good luck and have a good week!!
  • You look amazing!! Congrats on your weight loss.
  • cnbethea, that is so true and I have never really thought about it like that. Monday-- 16 glasses of water 25 crunches 25 pushups 0 lunges Tuesday - 6 glasses of water 25 crunches 25 pushups 50 lunges Wednesday Thursday Friday Glad tomorrow is hump day!!
  • Monday-- 16 glasses of water 25 crunches-25 pushups-0 lunges I will make up my lunges tonight as I plan to double up. I must admit I was bad for lunch, I ate a piece of peach pie. We did say we needed to eat 5-6 servings of fruit/vegs, correct?! Have a great afternoon and I will check in later tonight. Jamie
  • I am ready for this week and I am a little behind, but will catch up quick!! The 5 servings are going to be tough, but I will do my best.
  • Hi I would love to join if possible. My name is Jamie and I am here to lose weight. I have been on this journey for a couple of months now, but I need a boost to get going again!! I will weigh in the morning and report. I didn't see a Week 3 thread, but since I am new I might have missed it. Jamie
  • I also have PCOS and am trying to lose weight before we get pregnant. It is nice to see all the weight everyone has lost so far. I have been at a plateau for a while, but this week I look forward to getting back into my routine.