biggest loser week 3 challenge



  • jeepin_girl
    jeepin_girl Posts: 7 Member
    cnbethea, that is so true and I have never really thought about it like that.

    Monday-- 16 glasses of water 25 crunches 25 pushups 0 lunges
    Tuesday - 6 glasses of water 25 crunches 25 pushups 50 lunges

    Glad tomorrow is hump day!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    cnbethea: That is a wonderful lesson to learn! I love it and am going to steal it!! ;)

    Today I drank all my water, 4 f & v's, 25 crunches, 25 push ups, 50 lunges, 25 squats(from another group's challenge), made it to curves, and plan to do my walk after dinner!!! YEAY for me!!!! 2 days in a row of smart choices!!!!

    Have a great evening!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone,

    Monday-50 lunges(25 each leg) 25 pushups and crunches 12 glasses of water 2 fruits & veggies (no eating out)
    Tuesday-50 lunges 25 push ups and crunches 12 glasses of H2O 3 F&V (No eating out)

    I signed up for another race on June 26th it's a 5K I think this running thing is contagious:noway: It's a free race in the hopes to get people in the city that I live in to get up and get active!! So I get a chance to beat my last time sooner than what I expected!!
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    tuesday - 8 glasses of water 25 crunches 25 pushups 50 lunges
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Hey everyone,

    Monday-50 lunges(25 each leg) 25 pushups and crunches 12 glasses of water 2 fruits & veggies (no eating out)
    Tuesday-50 lunges 25 push ups and crunches 12 glasses of H2O 3 F&V (No eating out)

    I signed up for another race on June 26th it's a 5K I think this running thing is contagious:noway: It's a free race in the hopes to get people in the city that I live in to get up and get active!! So I get a chance to beat my last time sooner than what I expected!!

    Good for you.....I have a friend that started running and she said the same I gave it a whirl....NOT.....My knees just can't take it. Too many baton twirling injuries I guess. I have always had a problem with my knees. Can't ride a bike either and I used to love to do that. Have fun and good luck!!!
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Ok, so yesterday I did 50 pushups, could not do the situps because my back was hurting so I did extra pushups. And I got 16 lunges in when my knees decided to protest. Hopefully today I can get more in. I may have to work up to the 50. I drank 16 cups of water and got in 5 servings of fruits and veggies.

    I have been told that I drink way too much water, is that really possible?
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    :tongue: Starting my week today been really busy. I also find excusses. I will just have to play catch up. Those lunges are going to kill me

    Challenge: 25 Push Ups / 25 Crunches / 50 Lunges a Day

    Monday: :frown:
    Tuesday: :frown:

    Hope everyone has a great week!!!:smile:
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Ok, so yesterday I did 50 pushups, could not do the situps because my back was hurting so I did extra pushups. And I got 16 lunges in when my knees decided to protest. Hopefully today I can get more in. I may have to work up to the 50. I drank 16 cups of water and got in 5 servings of fruits and veggies.

    I have been told that I drink way too much water, is that really possible?

    Good for you to just not give up on the lunges. I totally understand about the knee thing!!! Yep....I do! Yes, I do believe it is possible to drink too much water! I have heard that before!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Ok, so yesterday I did 50 pushups, could not do the situps because my back was hurting so I did extra pushups. And I got 16 lunges in when my knees decided to protest. Hopefully today I can get more in. I may have to work up to the 50. I drank 16 cups of water and got in 5 servings of fruits and veggies.

    I have been told that I drink way too much water, is that really possible?

    Hope your knee feels better it is possible to drink too much water here is a site to caculate it for you
  • ashnichole10
    Hey everyone! :O) I hope you all are having a great week so far. I started P90X yesterday and I'm following that workout schedule and also making sure I try to meet our weekly challenges, so my numbers for some days are going to be higher than others. My body sure is sore today, but I know that's a good thing right!? lol I really need to work on getting in my fruits/ veggies- mainly because I need to go to the grocery store, so I will try to do that this afternoon!

    Monday- 4 c. water, no eating out, 0 fruit/ 0 veggie
    Tuesday- 6 c. water, no eating out, 0 fruit/ 2 veggie, 200-225 crunches (Ab Ripper X), 128 push-ups, 50 lunges (each leg)

    Thanks cnbethea! I used to go to WW too until I found this website, I stopped going to meetings a couple months ago. I don't know how you can not look at your weight though, that takes a lot of will power! Good for you! =)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm still having knee issues so I'm easing into the lunges.

    50 pushups/25 crucnches/ 10 lunges
    6 H2O
    no eating out
    4 f/v
    NO SWEET TEA :bigsmile:

    50pushups/25crunches/ will do lunges at water aerobic class this evening. Hopefully 50
    6 H2O
    2f/v so far

  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    went for a rollerblade yesterday morning before getting in my car to drive home to visit my family. On my way.. my car broke down on the highway!! So it was a 2 hour detour while CAA came and took my car to a shop, luckily, it was a quick and cheap fix. By the time I got home I scarfed down a homemade burger and hit the mall with my mom to go shopping for a graduation dress to go under my gown. I have to admit we found TONS that we liked :) I was size 12 (snug) and now I bought two 10's. I also fit into size 8's!!! a lil snug - not something I want to wear to sit in for hours but it was a nice surprise. Than my mom and I went to see Sex and the City 2 - loved it!!!! and I didnt eat ANY popcorn :) went to visit a friend who is expecting.. and ended up having ice cream with her and a mars boy. Ohhh boy - way to ruin the day!!! I had a very busy day so I didnt manage to do our challenge, but that means today its double the push ups, lunges, and crunches. I did drink my 8 glasses of water yesterday, and had two servings of fruit.

    ohh and Good News - I GOT A JOB!!!!!!! Just for the month of July - but its better than nothing!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    went for a rollerblade yesterday morning before getting in my car to drive home to visit my family. On my way.. my car broke down on the highway!! So it was a 2 hour detour while CAA came and took my car to a shop, luckily, it was a quick and cheap fix. By the time I got home I scarfed down a homemade burger and hit the mall with my mom to go shopping for a graduation dress to go under my gown. I have to admit we found TONS that we liked :) I was size 12 (snug) and now I bought two 10's. I also fit into size 8's!!! a lil snug - not something I want to wear to sit in for hours but it was a nice surprise. Than my mom and I went to see Sex and the City 2 - loved it!!!! and I didnt eat ANY popcorn :) went to visit a friend who is expecting.. and ended up having ice cream with her and a mars boy. Ohhh boy - way to ruin the day!!! I had a very busy day so I didnt manage to do our challenge, but that means today its double the push ups, lunges, and crunches. I did drink my 8 glasses of water yesterday, and had two servings of fruit.

    ohh and Good News - I GOT A JOB!!!!!!! Just for the month of July - but its better than nothing!

    Congrats on the job!!!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Your doing awesome:flowerforyou:
    The little cheats now and then just keep us sane. Forgive yourself and move forward.
    Congratulation ofn your graduation. This is truly a exciting time for you have some fun and enjoy yourself. <<HUG>>
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    Sundingurl - Congratulations on the new job - Very Exciting :drinker:
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Thanks for that website. I checked it out and it says to drink 5.1 liters of water a day or 171 ounces. So, I am right on target for my weight and exercise and the amount of water I drink. :)
    Ok, so yesterday I did 50 pushups, could not do the situps because my back was hurting so I did extra pushups. And I got 16 lunges in when my knees decided to protest. Hopefully today I can get more in. I may have to work up to the 50. I drank 16 cups of water and got in 5 servings of fruits and veggies.

    I have been told that I drink way too much water, is that really possible?

    Hope your knee feels better it is possible to drink too much water here is a site to caculate it for you
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    Challenge: 25 Push Ups / 25 Crunches / 50 Lunges a Day

    Monday: :frown:
    Tuesday: :frown:
    Wednesday: 50 push ups / 30 lunges / 50 Crunches / 9 Glass of Water
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone,

    Monday-50 lunges(25 each leg) 25 pushups and crunches 12 glasses of water 2 fruits & veggies (no eating out)
    Tuesday-50 lunges 25 push ups and crunches 12 glasses of H2O 3 F&V (No eating out)
    Wed. 50 lunges 25 push ups and crunches 12 glasses of H2O and 4.5 F&V (no eating out)

    Do you all count a cup of veggies as a serving? I use my ww spoons to measure my cup.
  • ashnichole10
    Monday- 4 c. water, no eating out, 0 fruit/ 0 veggie
    Tuesday- 6 c. water, no eating out, 0 fruit/ 2 veggie, 200-225 crunches (Ab Ripper X), 128 push-ups, 50 lunges (each leg)
    Wednesday- 8 c. water, 1 x eating out (Subway), 0 fruit/ 2 veggie, 50 crunches, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges (each leg)
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    25 pushups
    25 sit-ups
    50 lunges - knee started hurting at 40 but I pushed through for the remaining 10. I may only be able to do the lunges every other day.
    Fruit and veggies- 4
    water- 12 so far...