biggest loser week 3 challenge



  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    tuesday - 8 glasses of water 25 crunches 25 pushups 50 lunges
    Wednesday - 16 glasses of water (8 oz each) 25 crunches, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning all. Well yesterday I got all my challenges in however my eating wasn't real good. I was so busy at work, didn't really take a lunch break....ate manderin oranges and a jello moose thingy. Then after work I had to meet my mom and brother to work on my son's costume for the summer play....when we were done we bought wal-mart chicken and potato salad for dinner. So I don't know if that is eating out or not, kind of is. Didn't make it to curves or get my walk in. RATS!!!!

    Today is anew day and I have a board meeting. WE are serving pie......I will do my best to stay away from it but may need to have just a wee bit!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Great job everyone. :flowerforyou:

    no eating out

    4 f/v
    no eating out

    50/25/50/60 min. water areobic class. I did my lunges in the pool before the class started.
    5f/v not really because I eat about 1/2 c serving of each. except a whole apple and an orange.
    no eating out

    Still no sweet tea. Clothes feel looser so hopefully I'll do better than 1lb this week.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Thanks for all the congratulations :) I am very pleased to have something to look forward to. This will push me to work extra hard for the next few weeks before I start work.

    Week 3
    Mon - 75 push ups, 75 crunches, 50 lunges (25 each leg), 4 c water, no eat out, 3 srv f&v 45 min rollerblade and 30 min walk
    Tues – 30 min rollerblade , 8 c water 2 srv f&v, no eat out
    Wed – 10 min bike, 20 min walk, 10 c water, 3 srv f&v 20 push ups
    Thurs – 30 min walk, 55 push ups, 75 crunches, 150 lunges (legs are feeling them!), 8 c water, no eat out, 1 srv f&v
    Fri –
    Sat –
    Sun –

    Went home for Tues till this afternoon so I was very busy visiting people and such. Did manage to get in 30 min of exercise each day, but I didn’t get to the challenge part on Tues or Wed. So, today I forced myself to do the ones I didn’t get to. It took me awhile, and I had to spread it out in commercials... but I managed to do it. Don’t want to miss another day. I’m really struggling with the 5 servings of f&v. I’d like to reach the full 5 servings! Tomorrow I will really push for it.

    Everyone else is doing so well! :) Great Job

    raindancer - Very proud of you and avoiding the sweet tea, and wohooo for the clothes feeling looser

    tigermom79 - Hope your day went well! Hopfully you managed to stay away from the pie, or only allowed yourself a little peice. You can do it!!

    kizzym - Good Job:)

    krklstephie - Way to keep pushing through even though that knee was bugging you. Every other day is a good idea! Especially, if you have a sore knee!

    ashnichole 10 - Wow, you did 50 lunges each leg? do you do that everyday?

    mommie of 2 - Great job for getting back into it, and completing the challenge for Wednesday! Hope you managed to get it done for today.

    Cnbethea – as always you are kicking butt :) I barely eat veggies because I don’t like many. The odd times I do I count a cup as a serving.
  • ashnichole10
    Hey everyone, today I did good on the working out part, but I'm still struggling with the fruits/ veggies and I also ate out for the 2nd time already! I knew those 2 were gonna be tough for me. We ate at KFC and I still was under my calories for the day, I had the grilled chicken breast at least if that makes a difference. Also I just found out today that my boyfriend and I will be going with some of our friends on vacation next month to Hilton Head!! So going to the beach for a week definitely has given me some extra motivation to keep pushing myself!

    sundinsgurl- lol I started doing 50 each because at first I thought that's how many we were supposed to do. so now I just decided to keep doing that many =) congrats on the job!

    Monday- 4 c. water, no eating out, 0 fruit/ 0 veggie
    Tuesday- 6 c. water, no eating out, 0 fruit/ 2 veggie, 200-225 crunches (Ab Ripper X), 128 push-ups, 50 lunges (each leg)
    Wednesday- 8 c. water, 1 x eating out (Subway), 0 fruit/ 2 veggie, 50 crunches, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges (each leg)
    Thursday- 7 c. water, 2nd time eating out, 0 fruit/ 2 veggie, 200 crunches, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges each
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    tuesday - 8 glasses of water 25 crunches 25 pushups 50 lunges
    Wednesday - 16 glasses of water (8 oz each) 25 crunches, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
    Thursday - 16 glasses of water (8 oz each) 25 crunches, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone, today I did good on the working out part, but I'm still struggling with the fruits/ veggies and I also ate out for the 2nd time already! I knew those 2 were gonna be tough for me. We ate at KFC and I still was under my calories for the day, I had the grilled chicken breast at least if that makes a difference. Also I just found out today that my boyfriend and I will be going with some of our friends on vacation next month to Hilton Head!! So going to the beach for a week definitely has given me some extra motivation to keep pushing myself!

    Great Job on the workouts you are killing those crunches/lunges and making great choices while eating out ordering the grill chicken is a great choice!!! It is always exciting when we have something to look foward to and a vacation is a wonderful reward for your hard work and you sure are putting it in!!!!! Keep it up:drinker:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone,

    Monday-50 lunges(25 each leg) 25 pushups and crunches 12 glasses of water 2 fruits & veggies (no eating out)
    Tuesday-50 lunges 25 push ups and crunches 12 glasses of H2O 3 F&V (No eating out)
    Wed. 50 lunges 25 push ups and crunches 12 glasses of H2O and 4.5 F&V (no eating out)
    Thurs-No workout and only 1 F&V unless I count the ingredients in my homemade spaghetti!!:tongue: 9 H2O (no eating out)

    I had a rough day yesterday a lot of unexpected events but I am looking at them as a positive my hubby on the other hand only see the negative so it made it rough. Well sound like I will be doubling up today to make up for it!! Still haven't stepped on the scale:noway: but I feel lighter if that make since so I hope that is a good sign things will be looking pretty good at the end of the month!!

    Have a great day ladies I will be back with a full report 100 lunges 50 pushups and crunches 5F&V!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Thanks for all the congratulations :) I am very pleased to have something to look forward to. This will push me to work extra hard for the next few weeks before I start work.

    Week 3
    Mon - 75 push ups, 75 crunches, 50 lunges (25 each leg), 4 c water, no eat out, 3 srv f&v 45 min rollerblade and 30 min walk
    Tues – 30 min rollerblade , 8 c water 2 srv f&v, no eat out
    Wed – 10 min bike, 20 min walk, 10 c water, 3 srv f&v 20 push ups
    Thurs – 30 min walk, 55 push ups, 75 crunches, 150 lunges (legs are feeling them!), 8 c water, no eat out, 1 srv f&v
    Fri –
    Sat –
    Sun –

    Went home for Tues till this afternoon so I was very busy visiting people and such. Did manage to get in 30 min of exercise each day, but I didn’t get to the challenge part on Tues or Wed. So, today I forced myself to do the ones I didn’t get to. It took me awhile, and I had to spread it out in commercials... but I managed to do it. Don’t want to miss another day. I’m really struggling with the 5 servings of f&v. I’d like to reach the full 5 servings! Tomorrow I will really push for it.

    Great Job getting something in while visiting your fam and way to come back and make up the rest!! I'm sure your feeling those lunges but that's the kind of hurt that feels good!!:happy:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Still no sweet tea. Clothes feel looser so hopefully I'll do better than 1lb this week.

    Great Job with the tea and isn't it an amazing feeling when your clothes feels loose!!!! Keep up the awesome work you rock!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    tuesday - 8 glasses of water 25 crunches 25 pushups 50 lunges
    Wednesday - 16 glasses of water (8 oz each) 25 crunches, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
    Thursday - 16 glasses of water (8 oz each) 25 crunches, 25 pushups, 50 lunges

    Great Job keep it coming!!!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning all!!!! So.....I didn't pass by the pie, but did manage to just have a small piece and still stayed under calories for the day!!! YEAY!!!!

    Today we are having lunch at the office so we will see how that goes, but so far so good.

    Managed to do all of my crunches, lunges, push ups, and drank my water, Got a few fruits and veggies in.

    I am feeling so much better this week!!!! If I don't get on here over the week-end, I hope everyone has a wonderful week-end! AND BE SAFE!!!!

  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    50 pushups/25 crucnhes/50 lunges and 1 hr aqua class.
    9 h2o
    didn't eat out
    no sweet tea
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    50 pushups/25 crunches/ no aqua class tonight, but I'll try to do as many lunges as my knees can take the evening.
    6 h2o
    ate out at lunch. I only have 166 calories left for today:embarassed: hey that a good chance to get more veggies :laugh:

    Everyone have a great weekend.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Week 3
    Mon - 75 push ups, 75 crunches, 50 lunges (25 each leg), 4 c water, no eat out, 3 srv f&v 45 min rollerblade and 30 min walk
    Tues – 30 min rollerblade , 8 c water 2 srv f&v, no eat out
    Wed – 10 min bike, 20 min walk, 10 c water, 3 srv f&v 20 push ups
    Thurs – 30 min walk, 55 push ups, 75 crunches, 150 lunges (legs are feeling them!), 8 c water, no eat out, 1 srv f&v
    Fri – 40 min rollerblade, 60 mins tennis, 20 min pilate dvd, 25 push ups, 25 crunches, 50 lunges, 8 c water (so far) think were goin to subway for dinner.. so far 2 srv of f&v
    Sat –
    Sun –

    Have a GREAT weekend everyone :):)
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone,

    Monday-50 lunges(25 each leg) 25 pushups and crunches 12 glasses of water 2 fruits & veggies (no eating out)
    Tuesday-50 lunges 25 push ups and crunches 12 glasses of H2O 3 F&V (No eating out)
    Wed. 50 lunges 25 push ups and crunches 12 glasses of H2O and 4.5 F&V (no eating out)
    Thurs-No workout and only 1 F&V unless I count the ingredients in my homemade spaghetti!! 9 H2O (no eating out)
    Fri-100 lunges 50 crunches and pushups 10 H2O 5 F&V im counting the things individual in my salad(no eating out)

    I ate about 3 mindless chips and then gave my son the bag,

    Hope everyone have a great weekend!!
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    tuesday - 8 glasses of water 25 crunches 25 pushups 50 lunges
    Wednesday - 16 glasses of water (8 oz each) 25 crunches, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
    Thursday - 16 glasses of water (8 oz each) 25 crunches, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
    Friday - 16 glasses of water (8 oz each) 25 crunches, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Ahhh it's been one heck of a week. I was good on water, okay on food, bad on exercises. Unfortunately, I developed a blocked sweat gland and it is painful to move my left arm because of where it is located. Dr put me on antibiotics so hopefully soon, I can pick up on the situps and pushups. Yesterday I did 25 lunges and tried to do situps and pushups but it hurt too bad.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Monday-50 lunges(25 each leg) 25 pushups and crunches 12 glasses of water 2 fruits & veggies (no eating out)
    Tuesday-50 lunges 25 push ups and crunches 12 glasses of H2O 3 F&V (No eating out)
    Wed. 50 lunges 25 push ups and crunches 12 glasses of H2O and 4.5 F&V (no eating out)
    Thurs-No workout and only 1 F&V unless I count the ingredients in my homemade spaghetti!! 9 H2O (no eating out)
    Fri-100 lunges 50 crunches and pushups 10 H2O 5 F&V im counting the things individual in my salad(no eating out)
    Sat-no challenge workout 8 cups H2O 6 F&V (no eating out) Just bad choices eating in tomm I am going to redeem myself:sad:
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning all!

    Well.....this morning was weigh in for another thread I'm in, and YIPEEEE!!!!! 158 this morning. I need to keep on keepin on though. My goal is 150. I know I can do this by my birthday in September so I am determined!!!!

    Everyone have a blessed Sunday!