biggest loser week 3 challenge



  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    today i will be starting my regular walking routine...meaning i haven't been on my regular walking route for quite awhile...PLUS it's a cheat day for the weekends are cheat walking routine is so close to starbucks and i haven't had starbucks since they had that special going on for the week or weekend of half price frapps...i sorta kinda wish there were coupons or a punch card for so many and get one free after the punch card is'll be smart and still check out the calorie intake of course by going online and see if they have a nutrition value and mark that down...even though its the weekend i'm still measuring my food and checking out the calorie intake
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    tuesday - 8 glasses of water 25 crunches 25 pushups 50 lunges
    Wednesday - 16 glasses of water (8 oz each) 25 crunches, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
    Thursday - 16 glasses of water (8 oz each) 25 crunches, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
    Friday - 16 glasses of water (8 oz each) 25 crunches, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
    saturday - 8 glasses of water ( 8 oz each) 25 crunches, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Didnt do challenge yesterday or today.. grrr did play tennis yesterday and soccer today.

    Ate out at Subway Friday - than had Wendys boneless chicken today - SHOCKED with the amount of Sodium was in it!!! Wont be doing that again for a longggg time! was hungover and had to eat quickly before soccer. I have dranken about 16 glasses of water today lol and drank my 8 yesterday.

    I will try to make up for the challenge tomorrow and do everything I missed.

    What should we add to the challenge this week???
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Monday-50 lunges(25 each leg) 25 pushups and crunches 12 glasses of water 2 fruits & veggies (no eating out)
    Tuesday-50 lunges 25 push ups and crunches 12 glasses of H2O 3 F&V (No eating out)
    Wed. 50 lunges 25 push ups and crunches 12 glasses of H2O and 4.5 F&V (no eating out)
    Thurs-No workout and only 1 F&V unless I count the ingredients in my homemade spaghetti!! 9 H2O (no eating out)
    Fri-100 lunges 50 crunches and pushups 10 H2O 5 F&V im counting the things individual in my salad(no eating out)
    Sat-no challenge workout 8 cups H2O 6 F&V (no eating out) Just bad choices eating in tomm I am going to redeem myself
    Sun 100 lunges 50 crunches and pushups 10 cups H2O 5+F&V no eating out

    No eating out all week I have joined an additional challenge and I am going to weigh in tomm so I will post my weight here as well and I am back on my every Monday weigh ins!!

    This week what do you all think about 50 squats each day?
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I did it guys I faced the scale this morning after 3 weeks and I was pleasantly shocked I didn't switch my ticker on the gain but I should have but didn't but today I am down 6.2 in 3 weeks and I am so pumped to keep pushing foward I started another challenge along with this one and wanted to see where I was as far as weight goes so I would know what I was up against glad I did!!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    I did it guys I faced the scale this morning after 3 weeks and I was pleasantly shocked I didn't switch my ticker on the gain but I should have but didn't but today I am down 6.2 in 3 weeks and I am so pumped to keep pushing foward I started another challenge along with this one and wanted to see where I was as far as weight goes so I would know what I was up against glad I did!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    That is awesome!!!!

    As far as the squats go, I think I will have to knees could bearly take the 25 plus the lunges.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I did it guys I faced the scale this morning after 3 weeks and I was pleasantly shocked I didn't switch my ticker on the gain but I should have but didn't but today I am down 6.2 in 3 weeks and I am so pumped to keep pushing foward I started another challenge along with this one and wanted to see where I was as far as weight goes so I would know what I was up against glad I did!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    That is awesome!!!!

    As far as the squats go, I think I will have to knees could bearly take the 25 plus the lunges.

    Thank you and sorry let's make it something different that will be good for all of us what do you suggest?
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    After hurting my knee at soccer last night I would also prefer to pass on squats for this week...hmmmm

    Jumping Jacks? or do we want something that is strength training?
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I didn't do too good this weekend.:sad:

    50 pushups/25crunches/0 lunges knee still bothering me
    2 f/v
    ate out:sad:

    didn't eat out

    Only lost 1lb but I at least know why this time..Mexican food.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I'm also going to pass on the squats. I'm still trying to get my knee healed.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    OK my apologies guys squats is definitely out what's a good challenge for this week?
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    OK my apologies guys squats is definitely out what's a good challenge for this week?

    No problem.....just seems a lot of us have bad knees,,,,

    How about we do 30 minutes "extra" of outdoor activity.....playing (hard) with your kids, gardening, running, walking! Something other than your normal routine, but outside to get you breathing the fresh air!!! ;) Just a suggestion!

  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Sounds good Tigermom79 I will get an hr in tomm only because I just got this message and it's late here!! That way I will be caught up. Are we keeping the rest of the things going into this week?
  • ashnichole10
    I did it guys I faced the scale this morning after 3 weeks and I was pleasantly shocked I didn't switch my ticker on the gain but I should have but didn't but today I am down 6.2 in 3 weeks and I am so pumped to keep pushing foward I started another challenge along with this one and wanted to see where I was as far as weight goes so I would know what I was up against glad I did!!!

    Congrats! that's awesome!! =) keep up the good work
  • ashnichole10
    Hey! I hope everyone had a good weekend. I'm posting a little late & didn't see what the challenge was until now, but I will also do an hour tomorrow. I think this weeks challenge is a really good idea! I love being outside anyways. lol I'm down 3.5 lbs this week which I'm really happy about! Tomorrow is my birthday and of course everyone wants to go out to eat and celebrate with drinks and birthday cake! lol So it should be a challenge, but I'm determined to stick to my calories for the day, and I already told everyone no birthday cake this year- we're having angel food cake & strawberries instead! And I'll just have one or two drinks and if we go out to eat I'll get something healthy. I'll let you guys know how I do tomorrow! Good job everyone on your weight loss!! :smile:

    Are we continuing with last weeks challenges??

    Monday- 4 c. water, no eating out, 0 fruit/ 0 veggie
    Tuesday- 6 c. water, no eating out, 0 fruit/ 2 veggie, 200-225 crunches (Ab Ripper X), 128 push-ups, 50 lunges (each leg)
    Wednesday- 8 c. water, 1 x eating out (Subway), 0 fruit/ 2 veggie, 50 crunches, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges (each leg)
    Thursday- 7 c. water, 2nd time eating out, 0 fruit/ 2 veggie, 200 crunches, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges each
    Friday- 8 c. water, no eating out
    Saturday- 8 c. water, no eating out
    Sunday- 8 c. water, no eating out
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    OK my apologies guys squats is definitely out what's a good challenge for this week?

    No problem.....just seems a lot of us have bad knees,,,,

    How about we do 30 minutes "extra" of outdoor activity.....playing (hard) with your kids, gardening, running, walking! Something other than your normal routine, but outside to get you breathing the fresh air!!! ;) Just a suggestion!


    I have this challenge in the bag. I work outside for 7+ hours a day and I have a garden..:laugh:
    It's a really great idea but I will just do some extra exercise maybe work with my hand weights.

    50 pushups/25 crunches /50 lunges/1 hr aqua class
    8 h2o
    3 f/v :ohwell:
    no eating out
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey! I hope everyone had a good weekend. I'm posting a little late & didn't see what the challenge was until now, but I will also do an hour tomorrow. I think this weeks challenge is a really good idea! I love being outside anyways. lol I'm down 3.5 lbs this week which I'm really happy about! Tomorrow is my birthday and of course everyone wants to go out to eat and celebrate with drinks and birthday cake! lol So it should be a challenge, but I'm determined to stick to my calories for the day, and I already told everyone no birthday cake this year- we're having angel food cake & strawberries instead! And I'll just have one or two drinks and if we go out to eat I'll get something healthy. I'll let you guys know how I do tomorrow! Good job everyone on your weight loss!! :smile:

    Are we continuing with last weeks challenges??

    Congrats on your weight lost that is awesome!! Sounds like you have a great bunch of friends and family supporting your efforts by having the Angel food cake instead of birthday cake!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday and I like the fact you planned ahead hope all goes well!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I'll see what I can manage to do today... my stupid knee is really sore (hurt it at soccer). Not fun at all.. No exercise means I earn no extra calories to eat. I'm also battling a cold so not feeling so hot in that department either.

    Weighed in and lost 2.9 lbs since last week. I might go back to weighing in weekly instead of monthly.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I'll see what I can manage to do today... my stupid knee is really sore (hurt it at soccer). Not fun at all.. No exercise means I earn no extra calories to eat. I'm also battling a cold so not feeling so hot in that department either.

    Weighed in and lost 2.9 lbs since last week. I might go back to weighing in weekly instead of monthly.

    Awesome job on your weight loss!!! I hope you feel better soon your knee and cold symptoms!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Have we started a new thread and I missed it where is everyone!!

    Monday 5F&V 10 cups of H2O No challenge workouts Ate out!!:sad: I felt in control of my choices on this day!!
    Tuesday Grass cutting 1hr15min 25 pushups and lunges 50 squats 8 cups H2O Ate out!!!:sad: out of control on this day

    Wow I don't know why I self sabotage myself I have a great week and weigh then go and blow it are you serious whew I failed at my plan of keeping the rest of the week clean let me try this one more time Wed-Sun will be good that's a promise to myself I deserve better than this!! This was why I was scared to weigh and look because I get happy and think I am suppose to celebrate with food!!

    I am going to continue to weigh each week and come up with ways to combat this issue!!