biggest loser week 3 challenge

Hey everyone hope y'all had a great week. For the third week we are gonna continue doing 25 push ups everyday 25 crunches everyday and to add to that this week we are gonna do 50 lunges a day. For healthy eating continue drinking 8 8 ounces of water a day eat out once a week and this week we are gonna eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.


  • jeepin_girl
    jeepin_girl Posts: 7 Member
    I am ready for this week and I am a little behind, but will catch up quick!! The 5 servings are going to be tough, but I will do my best.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Mon - 75 push ups, 75 crunches, (didnt do saturday and sunday so I had to make up for it) 50 lunges (25 each leg), 8 c water, no eat out, 2 srv f&v
    Tues –
    Wed –
    Thurs –
    Fri –
    Sat –
    Sun -
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I read this about Lunges and Squats

    Remember to push out your tush and don't let your knees go farther forward than your toes. You'll strengthen your knees, quads and hips.
  • Unicornlover
    Unicornlover Posts: 101 Member
    Ready for Week 3's's a big one!! Here's to a great week everyone! :smile:
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good evening ladies..... made the switch to the new thread. If it is okay I will put a link on the old link so everyone will find us. Makes it easier anyway! Looking forward to our challenges this week and I am up for the task.

    Mon: Will do my push ups, crunches, and lunges in just a bit. No fast food, had my 8 glasses of water, and had 4 f & v's.

    The fruits and veggies are going to be my tough one!!!! Off to do dishes and then go for my walk!

    Talk to you all tomorrow!!!!
  • juyehara
    juyehara Posts: 11 Member
    Is it too late for me to join this?
  • futuredispatchhottie911
    Nope anyone can join and at any time.
    Is it too late for me to join this?
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone

    ashnichole10 nice job on your weightloss!!

    tigermom79 I was counting the points at first but now I just log my foods on here and some days I go back and add the points after it's been calculated I just fell in love with this site so this month will be my last month at WW!!! I will miss it but honestly the first time I went to WW I was more successful then this time and I actually stayed longer this time around. I have been having a real stressful time dealing with not working right now so it's been a little harder than before but now I am back focused on my weightloss and I realize stressful things are going to happen that I may not be able to control but I can control what I put in my mouth!!:happy:

    Sundinsgurl Thanks for the suggestion about the weigh ins!!

    Well ladies I got weighed in and didn't look I am going to stick with it and see how long I can go I am going to try to make it til the end of the month then again on my birthday!! Once that happens then I will be back to once a week!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Monday-50 lunges(25 each leg) 25 pushups and crunches 12 glasses of water 2 fruits & veggies (no eating out)

    Do we suppose to be doing 50 each leg? I am not much for the pool right now:sad: they require us to wear bathing suits I'mnot ready!!

    I have to go to the store I will be better about the fruits and veggies the rest of the week
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I just did 50 lunges in total.. 25 for each leg
  • futuredispatchhottie911
    It is 25 for each leg 50 total. You are stronger than me I would of had to look. Good luck and keep up the awesome work.
    Monday-50 lunges(25 each leg) 25 pushups and crunches 12 glasses of water 2 fruits & veggies (no eating out)

    Do we suppose to be doing 50 each leg? I am not much for the pool right now:sad: they require us to wear bathing suits I'mnot ready!!

    I have to go to the store I will be better about the fruits and veggies the rest of the week
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    Hey ladies! Not a great day today, I was at the doctor all day with my son so of course we were tired and hungry and ate out.
    I also had 2 cokes and a glass of tea today UGH. I really don't know why I do this. I feel like I can eat something and not log it, or just have a small bite and it's no biggy. I think I have a mental problem with food lol. I have all the tools, I just can't/won't do it. I have no motivation or will power.
    So, for the rest of this week I am honestly going to do my best to lose this 5 pounds I set out to lose this week.

    Thanks for listening to be babble lol

    Monday-- 8 glasses of water 25 situps-25 pushups-50 lunges
  • fields02
    fields02 Posts: 5
    50 push ups
    100 crunches
    50 lunges
    10 8 oz of water
    2 fruit
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    I will be playing catch up yet again this week. But it will be ok, I WILL catch up. I refuse to allow myself to just back away and not do it anymore. This will be a great week no matter what :)
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    just seen this i wasnt able to do mondays because i just returned home from visit with mom back in oklahoma...but tomorrow i will be working out
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
  • jeepin_girl
    jeepin_girl Posts: 7 Member
    Monday-- 16 glasses of water 25 crunches-25 pushups-0 lunges

    I will make up my lunges tonight as I plan to double up. I must admit I was bad for lunch, I ate a piece of peach pie. We did say we needed to eat 5-6 servings of fruit/vegs, correct?!

    Have a great afternoon and I will check in later tonight.

  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I've been absent a few days..went fishing. I didn't do to too bad on food but I didn't log it all.

    Mon:50 pushups/25 crunches
    8 H2O
    No sweet tea for 4 days now..:happy:
    Just found out this week challenge today.

    Tues: 25 pushups/
    other exercises later
    6 H2O
    1 f/v so far

    I was down 1lb last week maybe the scale is starting to move.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I've been absent a few days..went fishing. I didn't do to too bad on food but I didn't log it all.

    Mon:50 pushups/25 crunches
    8 H2O
    No sweet tea for 4 days now..:happy:
    Just found out this week challenge today.

    Tues: 25 pushups/
    other exercises later
    6 H2O
    1 f/v so far

    I was down 1lb last week maybe the scale is starting to move.

    I read the post when you found out about your sugar in the tea couldnt do nothing but laugh great job on the 4 days!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey ladies! Not a great day today, I was at the doctor all day with my son so of course we were tired and hungry and ate out.
    I also had 2 cokes and a glass of tea today UGH. I really don't know why I do this. I feel like I can eat something and not log it, or just have a small bite and it's no biggy. I think I have a mental problem with food lol. I have all the tools, I just can't/won't do it. I have no motivation or will power.
    So, for the rest of this week I am honestly going to do my best to lose this 5 pounds I set out to lose this week.

    Thanks for listening to be babble lol

    Monday-- 8 glasses of water 25 situps-25 pushups-50 lunges

    I'm sure that none of us other ladies have that same issue that's why I keep asking myself why am I here :laugh: !!!! I been there myself hang in there I am sure the rest of the week will go well and keep you focused on your weight loss goal!!

    Yesterday the lady at my WW meeting said something that made so much since and it was like a light bulb went off for me she said even though we all have stressful situations that happen some out of our control there are two things that we can control and that is what goes in our mouth and what we do to keep active!! (so that is my focus now controling what goes in my mouth even though the rest of my world is totally out of control)