novaboi24 Member


  • There is no one single person that is my inspiration. Moreover, it's more like a collection of everybody who has ever worked hard and has succeeded. So the list is massive but some are Rocky Balboa, Rock Lee, Gai Sensei, Bruce Lee, Eric Thomas, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ippo Makunouchi, Kenichi Shirahama, Kurosaki Ichigo,…
  • Stick with whichever one you like haha. My friends teachers call me Will while my friends call me William so I don't even mind. Lots of people have nicknames so there's no reason to make a big deal out of this :)
  • I use the calories counter but I don't follow it 100% because it's fairly inaccurate for me with all these different types of food. I just log in my calories roughly.
  • Remember that weigh-in isn't always accurate. Just because I put in a great effort today in cardio doesn't mean that it will show tomorrow. My body could be still burning the fat during tomorrow so I would say don't worry too much about it. After all, it's only another week until the next weigh-in! Water and fluids do…
  • I'm guessing that you have some form of sporty footwear... Walking or jogging is great because it's not to intense and some even find it relaxing. TREAT YOURSELF TO A NICE RELAXING WALK :) P.S I know everybody is saying walking but it really is one of the best exercises out there. If you wish to increase the intensity then…
  • Have you tried cheat meals? Cheat meals are meals that you can have 2 to 4 times a week to keep you going on your healthy routine. For example, I would have 1 cheat meal of unhealthy foods; chicken and chips (similar to KFC). However, I know that I will be definitely burning this off by working extra harder. You can start…
  • Eminem all the way haha. And any song that I've seen in a motivating video or movie. For example, the Rocky theme.
  • Before you go to sleep you tell yourself that "I AM GOING TO JUMP OUT OF BED THE FIRST SECOND I HEAR THE ALARM GO OFF". Then in the morning you actually follow that up and jump up and down to wake yourself up so you don't feel like falling asleep again... Once you do it for around 2 weeks it will become a routine and a…
  • Hey I can't guarantee that I can be your "Fake" friend. But I can promise that I will do my best to support you as I visite this site close to daily :)
  • Problem: Cold - Solution: Wear more clothes Problem: Not Motivated - Solution: Listen to music, watch a few movies to keep yourself pumped up. The treadmill is great because you can control the speed so you can set yourself that target. But running in the cold increases your metabolism and is more realistic.
  • Look at the world, become the monster, and scream "BRING ON TODAY I AM SO READY FOR YOU!!!" Trust me, screaming helps haha :)
  • I eat to get the energy to keep me going. Simples :) Sometimes though I do feel like binge eating but I'm usually to busy for that HAHA :D
  • 1. Stop eating school meals and make your own. This means that you know what goes into your food. 2. Reduce the portion and increase the number of meals. The result will be a more balanced routine. 3. Drink lots of water. Increase in consumption in water increases your body's metabolism. Drink an hour before and throughout…
  • Listen, you only get one shot at life. But you get a chance to sleep and lie in bed everyday. Now, you can lie in bed in the morning, or GET UP AND DO SOMETHING WORTHWHILE.
  • I don't have a scale so I weight myself when I visit my friend haha. But if I did then I would do it second thing I wake up after my pee pee :)
  • 2 glasses per hour. Just look at the time and think. DOUBLE GLASSES TIME! Or just 1 every 30 minutes :P