

  • I use CLA! I love it. 2 capsules, 3 times a day. I've noticed my face looks very slightly thinner, and overall fat loss has improved over jsut three months. You must take it religiously and be consistent with your food and exercise. It isn't a magic pill - it works when you exercise and eat right. Let me know what you…
  • I recommend going to a CrossFit class. Go once or twice a week for a month. You need a change in your workout routine. CrossFit always changes it up every class, and you WILL feel it after. Let me know if you go and how you like it. I can almost guarantee results... good luck:)
  • I am definitely very healthy in my ways to shed fat and tone down - but I've been told that fat burners are a good way to help, so I saw these Green Tea ones and they had minimal caffeine so I liked it. I don't like the idea of all this caffeine and feeling jittery. I drink coffee 1-2 times a day and drink green or…
  • Hi Acg67. I've looked at other fat burners but their caffeine content is SO high! These capsules only contain 80mg of caffeine each. I notice that my workouts are better and overall, I do have more energy. What fat burners would you recommend? What do you use? ALSO, are you familiar with the product that I am talking…
  • ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND! Of course breakfast is necessary. There is a saying: "Eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a prince, eat dinner like a pauper" It is absolutely critical to eat breakfast, all studies show that people who eat breakfast weigh less then people who don't. EAT UP!
  • I eat the majority of my calories for eating a big breakfast, big lunch and snacks through out the day. If I am at the gym at 7, I get a protein shake with peanut butter and it is filling and not calorie packed! I try to not eat past 830 :)
  • I will be trying all of the advice tomorrow morning. I get to work out at nights, but I want to be able to get in at least a half hour in the morning, only because I know it will make the rest of my day so good! Thanks all. I really like the idea of rewards!! :)
  • WOW!! I can't believe all the responses. Thank you so much everyone for your support.