chelbean23 Member


  • Thanks everyone for the great advice! Will see what I feel like having when I get there! I have been pretty good and this is my first indulgence so to speak so i am just going to enjoy it and get what i feel like having - within reason.
  • Thanks I might just do that! I've been searching but they arent seeming like they are enough calories for the salad? Think the highest one i got was 330 and that just doesnt seem right? Reading the description the caesar salad the worst things are the croutons and the dressing!
  • Hi all, Would love to join your group! I only joined MFP last Tuesday - am a mother to a bouncing energetic 5 year old and a beautiful 4 month old - both girls! I am done having kids now and would like my body back please! Still getting used to this site but would love the support of a group that understands how hard…
  • " No I don't want the chicken burger from maccas YES I did say I just wanted a wrap - no no fries or coke, no I don't want anything...just the wrap...YES JUST the wrap!!!" (said last night to my boyfriend when he picked up maccas for dinner... "I'm so thirsty - ive only had 1.5 litres of water today, i need more!" "I need…
  • Aussie here too!! My google is permanently open since I joined up last week trying to figure out everyones weight loss by searching how many pounds are in a kilo!! lol. Definitely add me!
  • Welcome! I only just started on this site last week and am already addicted. You can do this!! I would love to add you as a friend!!
  • Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes and friend requests!! This is the first time ive really felt like I could do this, thanks so much for your support - heading off now to do some Zumba on the Wii with my 5 year old lol.
  • Its so nice to read such similar stories to my own - weight loss can be a real battle and one that I have never really won! I am a SAHM and just had my second daughter who is now 4 months old. I currently weigh about 222 pounds (I am from Australia and we talk in kilos thats why i say about 222 pounds because I weight 101…