

  • I am on day 4 (level 1) I plan to do this every day. I don't feel nearly as sore now as I did after days 1 & 2.
  • Bio oil......I don't think they every go away though they just fade. The integrity of the skin has been compromised.
  • I started ww pp in April and lost 25lbs between April and Nov when I quit and started here. The plan does work its just expensive. It does teach to watch portion and eat in moderation.....and at the same time not having to deprive yourself of everything you love.
  • Unless its a hormonal iui like Mirena it's not likely to help....even a Mirena which I believe contains progesterone (hormones similar to the mini pill) probably isn't the best for a pcos'er.
    in PCOS Comment by glo_79 December 2011
  • 3000 per day is a lot. I am on 850 2x per day and my BC is NuvaRing which is a fav of my RE.
    in PCOS Comment by glo_79 December 2011
  • If ur not ttc get on BC this will help regulate your hormones (ie androgens) that are part of the vicious pcos cycle and make us gain, get acne, hair loss and all those other fun symptoms. You really do need to have AF every few months if you don't you are putting yourself at risk of,endometrial cancer. If u are ttc.…
    in PCOS Comment by glo_79 December 2011
  • It seems like a lot of calories burned to me. Buy I'll take it I guess!