jennrs000 Member


  • thanks ladies!!
  • I acutally gained a couple.. I'm 213 =( I think it is bloat though, although I have cheated some.. but... I got my BFP!!! So I'm no longer try to 'lose' anyway, just want to maintain/eat healthy.. Thanks for starting this weeks weigh in for me!
  • yes, I've mostly cut out alcohol as well.. I haven't been a big drinker the last few years anyway, my body doesn't tolerate it like it did in college =/ On occasion I'll have a drink or two, like xmas/nye I celebrated.. but otherwise, I think that's the last time I had anything to drink. Not only is it better for TTC (so…
  • I have cut back drastically on caffeine, but have not eliminated it completely. I went from 2+ cups of coffee a day to either decaf or 2 cups a week. I switched soda from regular diet to caffeine free diet (unless we're out at a restaurant or something, I get regular diet). I make caffeine free iced tea now as well. I…
  • I think someone else mentioned it in here, but the book "taking charge of your fertility" is GREAT.. I would highly recommend reading it before/when you start temping. I think its great even if you aren't TTC, just to learn about your body. fantastic book!
  • I'm a fertility friend girl as well.. I think there are 3 of us on here from there.. its great, I love the phone/ipad app!! so handy!!
  • good job ladies!! week 1 - 213.1 week 2 210.9 so a 2.2 lb loss for me.. yay!! I almost didnt think I was going to make it.. I did stick to my workout goals, but a couple days I went way over on calories.. didnt even track on sunday, and ate prob 1500-1600 calories a day, a bit over my goal of 1300ish.
  • Just a reminder ladies, tomorrow is our weigh in.. I know its a day earlier, but we had missed new years day :noway: lol so we are moving back to tuesdays... I'll post a new thread after midnight, but I myself wont weigh in until tomorrow night ( I work night shift and weigh myself when I wake up after sleep) good luck!!
  • Welcome Nikki!! How is everyone doing this week? I've been having a bit of a rough time, tons of candy etc at work.. I've been picking some =( But, on the bright side, I definitely have some sort of a conscience about it.. usually I would eat until I had a stomach ache, but I've been controlling myself. I have gotten a…
  • Aww, feel better Alee!!
  • I could do measurements too.. I need to find a tape measure though lol.. I'll try and get a hold of one today and do that as well. Yeah, NYE was waaaay over my calorie budget.. but I did track it all just so I had to see how much I did eat.. ugh! I did way better yesterday though. I didnt do any formal exercise, but I was…
  • Welcome to the group Barb! Jenn
  • I'm Jenn, 32, TTC since April 2012 (going on cycle 10 now). I've gained almost 45 lbs since we got married.. not sure why the heck I gained that much, I know a good part of it has to do with my diet and lack of exercise, so I am committing to losing a pound a week for the next 12 weeks as well! *baby dust*