week 9 weigh in 2/26
Week 9 weigh in!! I'm not weighing myself anymore... although with all this m/s.. i'm sure I've lost some..
week 8 weigh in 2/19/13
Yay! I made it onto a computer in time for the week 8 weigh in!! It's that time ladies!! I didnt weigh myself yet though...
week 6 weigh in - 2/6/13
Sorry for the delay ladies.. its time for the week 6 weigh in! (a day late!) Mine was 210.0
week 5 weigh in - 1/29/13
It's time for week 5 weigh in already!! I totallyforgot to weigh myself this morning until after I ate, so I'm using yesterdays weight of 210.4. I had an awful week of eating though, so I'm not too upset!! I Really need to start working out more..
week 4 weigh in- 1/23/13
sorry for the delay ladies, sometimes I just dont get on the computer with working night shift.. but here it is, week 4 weigh in... I didnt do so hot this week, I was 210.1, up from 209.3.. had a few bad days this week, but I'm getting back on track...
week 3 weigh in - 1/15/13
Time for the week 3 weigh in!! week 1 - 213.1 week 2 - 210.9 week 3 - 209.3 1.6 lb weight loss this week.. woo hoo!!
week 2 weigh in - 1/8/13
Hi ladies, its weigh in day!! I'll post mine tonight when I wake up tonight (damn night shift!)
Week 1 weigh in - 1/2/13
OK ladies, weigh in this morning: I am 213.1 today.. same as I was new years eve morning, thankfully...lol.. I did way over eat that night.. My goals this week are to either ride my exercise bike at home or go to the gym with DH at least 3 times. I've been getting outdoor exercise with the dog and then skipping 'formal'…
The challenge starts today!
Hi ladies!! So the TTC weight loss challenge starts today.. I'm ready! I was going to say lets start with a weigh in today, but, I should have written a message yesterday to say this. OK, and I had a big dinner last night, I"ll be honest!! And I slept terribly.. But I'm already starting the new year out right with a…