

  • I work out after work with a couple people and raid in the evening. It's not hard for me to balance the two, though I can see where it would be for some. I raid with our guild 4 nights a week--2 on the main team, 2 on the alt/second team. It really does begin to be a second job at times, but I think there are worse hobbies…
  • I've read before (and I'm not sure, someone might have to correct me on this) that high sodium counts will make you retain water. This might be part of your problem--that when you weigh in, you're carrying extra water with you. Again, not sure if that is completely accurate.
  • @Kerri: I am getting married the same day next year. I'm hoping that reaching my fitness goals will make dress-shopping more exciting. Feel free to add me--I need all the people to keep me accountable to my goal that I can get, and I hope I can be the same for you! = ]