rosyjjj Member


  • this is all great advice. i am 21 for those of you that asked. so yes, i am young. i would just like to say that i am only asking this as a long term question. i am not so much worried about when and how long it will take me to get to my goal weight. i was just researching things to expect when losing weight and that was…
  • thanks everyone.. all good advice. it's going to take me awhile to get used to eating lots of veggies and such. i will have to invest in a scale
  • i noticed when i lost weight before in high school, i was obsessed with working out. i would go to the gym for 2 or 3 hours and then come home and do an intense video. i was trying to hurry and get fit for prom. i did loose about 30 pounds in two months but i noticed the last two weeks i lost nothing and my doctor told me…
  • i made a profile last year and havent been on since. so i need motivation too... not sure how to add friends though?
  • nice! i'm just starting my weight loss but its so nice to read all these success stories :) keep up the good work
  • this is amazing! i hope one day i will be able to just be in love in my engagement pictures and not have to worry about what angle the camera is coming from. you look awesome girl, thanks for sharing your story.