janehastings Member


  • I have a handful of frozen berries, a banana, some defrosted blocks of frozen spinach, a small handful of oats and about half a cup of almond milk. Keeps me going
  • I'd love to join the gang too! I also have about 30lbs to lose, I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old and will be heading back to work in two months. I've lost my baby weight, now I need to lose my pre baby weight! I really need the motivation - I'd love to have to ask for a smaller sized uniform when I go back!! Feel…
  • Looks lovely. I'm finishing maternity leave soon so need to start thinking about healthy / cheap packed lunches too so I'm following with interest! Unsweetened Almond milk could be good on your muesli?
  • i tried cycling to work last summer and amazingly i felt so much more awake when i got there! i seemed to be more energetic in work and my mood was great. Unfortunately it's not an option for me when it's raining but i am really looking forward to starting again. The main thing is to be sure to leave loads of time - pick a…