xraygeek Member


  • And when I say "tea" I'm mainly referring to black tea. Herbal tea is not caffeinated.
  • The thing about coffees, teas, sodas, etc...they contain caffeine and other additives (even the "decaf" has caffeine), and caffeine can dehydrate you. There is a point in time where too much water is officially too much water! Cells denature and things kind of turn into that senator off of X-Men where he turned into a…
  • Mine is pretty standard, mainly because I am lazy in the mornings. All my breakfasts are 250-300 cals. Coffee with creamer is a must and the only thing that does not waiver in my routine. Half a cup of greek yogurt, a drizzle of honey, quarter cup of dry old fashioned oats, and either some frozen blueberries or some…
  • I'm 5'8" with a goal of 170. That seems high, but I'd love to be around there. I am 197 right now. You can add me if you'd like :)
  • Hubby is currently attending OSU, so we're Beavers. But my heart will always be a Hustlin' Owl--Oregon Institute of Technology all the way!
  • I have a difficult time too with emotional eating. And having sick babes on top of it (not to mention your hubby) just makes things worse! I find myself emotionally eating as "something to do" especially after my boys fall asleep. It's difficult not to resort to a trip to the fridge or cabinet to search for munchies. Try…
  • Grapes are also a good source of potassium! In response to agentscully51: True, the body is smart. For example, the human body can get hydration from fruits and veggies that you eat--up to 20% of your water. However, especially since we are all basically working out pretty hard to loose weight (thus sweating), and some of…
  • Yogurt, coffee, and dried apricots are where I'm getting my sources of potassium from. I also go off this web page for a quick, easy source: http://www.vaughns-1-pagers.com/food/potassium-foods.htm Also, in response to the water--how you're only supposed to drink when you're thirsty--that is wrong. If your body is telling…
  • Physically--a guy with broad shoulders will always catch my eye, pair that with muscular arms and well proportioned hands, well...yeah, my engine is running. Mentally--definitely a guy with a brain and sense of humor! In other words, my husband. Damn, I hit the jack pot!
  • I do the same...I log it as circuit training, and I leave out the cool down session minutes.
  • Isn't it such an awesome feeling!? Good job!
  • No matter your body structure--if you're naturally thin or naturally inclined to gain weight such as myself--it's important to be healthy. Eating the right foods and exercising is what it is all about. I, personally, like the looks of the old movie stars, but I also know that is more what my body type would be if I hadn't…
  • I don't have any kitties right now, but I used to have two: Danger--black and white furball who was my best friend growing up(passed away at 19 years old from old age, just a few months before I had my second son) and Bucky--a big, black, burly beast who was a birthday present from my husband before we were married, he was…
  • The last time I went in to see my lady doctor was right after having my son. She mentioned that one of her patients was about the same start weight as me, and in 6 weeks, due to nursing, had lost around 30lbs. With my previous son, I knew my body didn't work like that, and I told her that I gained weight during nursing.…
  • Radiation's the way to go :D Thanks for the answers!
  • Anybody?? According to the ones I record under, I supposedly burn around 350-400cals...that just doesn't seem right, almost too high.
  • Hi Jamie! I'm Ana :) I'm 27 and looking to loose around 30-40lbs this year! I'm also looking for more support as I head down this road. It's kind of overwhelming and daunting to look at those numbers, but boy are we worth it!
  • This is my second time here too! I need to stay consistent by coming here and tracking every day! I have about 30lbs to get to my first goal of 170.
    in Hiya!! Comment by xraygeek January 2012
  • I am 5'8.5"...a pretty large frame (broad shoulders and barrel chest), and my goal is to be around 170. I'm 199 right now.
  • Yes! I am a SAHM of two little dudes ages 4 years and 15 months. I am in dire need of people to remind me to check in and stay on track. If anyone wants to yell at me, please add me as a friend! :)
  • I'm taking my little dudes out on a walk for hot chocolate for them and coffee for me!
  • I have finally figured out a plan that works for me. My hubs is a college student, so he's rarely home, so I go to him. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I meet him at the campus gym, give him the lil dudes and work as hard as I can for half an hour to an hour...depending on if I have dinner ready at home or not. During…
  • Hi Ladies! I have two little dudes (ages 4 and 1) and I want to loose at least 20lbs by next June! This site is pretty darn awesome :)