Good Potassium Sources?



  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    Also, in response to the water--how you're only supposed to drink when you're thirsty--that is wrong. If your body is telling you that you're thirsty, you are dehydrated. Not dehydrated to the point of danger, but it is smart to drink 64 ounces of water a day, minimum. There is such a thing as over drinking water too.

    I have to disagree. Water is the #2 most important thing your body needs in order to live. Oxygen is #1. The others are sleep and food. Your body is VERY smart about telling you when it needs those things. why would your body be bad at telling you when it needs water? It's not. Thirst is an excellent indicator.

    Remember that if you drink gallons of water, you are losing electrolytes. So you will have to replenish the potassium and sodium.
  • xraygeek
    xraygeek Posts: 34 Member
    Grapes are also a good source of potassium!

    In response to agentscully51: True, the body is smart. For example, the human body can get hydration from fruits and veggies that you eat--up to 20% of your water. However, especially since we are all basically working out pretty hard to loose weight (thus sweating), and some of us live in pretty humid or hot environmental conditions (more sweating), we need to adjust for it--thus drinking more water or eating more fruits and veggies with high water content. But like you said, your body is smart. It knows when to keep electrolytes. Yes, you loose some electrolytes, but its a very minimal amount.

    Thirst is an indicator that something is wrong, that there is already an imbalance of electrolytes and your body needs water to balance out the salts. Drinking water when your body is not screaming "I'm thirsty!" is like maintaining your car on a regular basis. You don't take your car in while it's smoking, you take it in every 3000 miles to get the oil changed. Drinking an extra 12-16 ounces of water when you're not thirsty isn't going to hurt you at all. I'm not saying to sit and drink gallons of water. To put it bluntly, if you are well hydrated, your pee will be colorless or a very light yellow, unless you're taking supplements or vitamins which are known to color urine.