

  • not really..400cc's each is not that big when you start with nothing!
  • thanks all! I have recorded what the scale now says. I know that I have still lost as the scale is the same today as it was 1 week ago pre-op....which means I know my body lost 2 lbs, but gained 2 lbs of boobs!
  • What a great job!! Amazing how the scale can't dictate size!! I too am down from the 160's (I actually started Paleo March 26th at 174lbs) and am currently 152!!
  • I enter my foods and did through my entire w30, mostly to make my clients aware that I too, enter my foods....keep them accountable! I try to eat around 1500 a day...some days I almost had to force feed myself to get 1300, some days 1500 was easy! The % changed bigtime though! I don't worry about what goes where as I do…
  • so far I have downloaded PaleoDiet Pro, NomNom Paleo and's My Kitchen all on the Ipad. For me they are great inpsirations for meals I also have some books that were free on kindle last week and of course the WellFed book book on the kindle app.
  • YAY! I started April 30th as well! I record and weigh, but mostly due to having about 6 clients on MFP that are not doing Paleo or W30, and record daily foods and weekly weight...I have to show them accountability too :)
  • at about day 6 I lost my voice, my throat was scratchy and kinda sore...more really really dry! It lasted 4 days...then bang, gone! I never dropped energy, so I knew it wasnt a cold cold!
  • are you not a cooker? or just do not have time to cook? Maybe have a friend help you pre make a bunch of meals for the week. have a sunday cooking day where all your suppers at least are made for the week. Breakfast and lunch can fairly simple with egg whites, some fruit and veggies in a blender, and lunch can be tuna…
  • agree with all the above!! You still need to enjoy life! Should that be done everyday? No, but don't knock yourself down over it!
  • Not sure how things are going now after so much time but one thing you may want to look at is your adrenals. If you are tired after exercising, there is a possibility that there is just no cortisol left in you. This can cause regular fatigue, but more so HUGE fatigue after a work out. Eating right and exercise will not fix…
  • The company was called Rocky Mountain Analytical out of Calgary!
  • Congrats Alisha!! And your journey looks like it has been amazing! Great work!!
  • Yes it was an IGG or whatever they are called! My naturopath gave me the kit and the food list, I ate all that list over a couple days, pricked my finger and sent it in. The company she works with is out of calgary so local and quick! (i'm in Edmonton) As for health coverage, it was covered as a naturopath treatment that I…
  • Mine was with blood and has made 100% change in my body and if you read the OP, you will see she says a "Blood intolerance test"
  • I thought I was going great getting rid of the gluten, switching to gluten free bread, crackers, chips ect...only to find out that Yeast was the biggest culprit! So now, I don't have anything that even mimicks a bread product! The cravings took a week to lose, but so worth it! My aches, pains, tendonitis, arthritis is all…
  • I haven't yet started the whole30. I have read the book, but I wanted to take 1 step at a time. The only thing left to rid my diet of to start the whole 30 is the sugar, but it did take 2 weeks for me to feel better. week 1 of no gluten, grains, dairy, soy ect had me craving everything in the book!, week 2 was a crazy…
  • This is my first month so I did notice I was 8 days late, which caused me a bit of a freak out!!! DH is snipped, so I was ready to lose it!! But after my body was done the detox process and my cycle came, it was less flow, less symptoms...overall better! Lets see how this month goes...I'm thinking my body just needed a…
  • Yep! Had it done in Dec, due to scheduling conflicts I didn't get my results until March...but the changes since then have been amazing! I had the following intolerances: Gluten yeast Dairy peanut butter banana pineapple soy cranberry crab I think there are more, but these are the ones that affect me the most regarding…