

  • Ladies who cares what he wants or thinks!! And for that matter Guys who cares what she thinks! Do it for you and you alone and you will exude confidence, that's what is really attractive and thats what counts.
  • Hi I'm at 171 now and have a similar goal weight, have got down to 150 before by doing pretty much what you're doing I walked alot and stuck to the 1200 cals so it will work. Only thing I found was walking was great untill the weather was rubbish so have another exercise you like as backup. The keeping it off is the hard…
  • Hi and welcome It is great to make you really think about what you eat and stop you having that naughty treat because you dont want to have to add it to your diary. Best of luck with your weight loss, feel free to add me if you like.
    in Just joined Comment by dlou1979 May 2011
  • Hi Orla I have a two year old too and know what you mean about wanting to be able to enjoy them, he's so energetic and loves playing outside with a football and I want to be able to keep up! If I can be of any help to you or you to be that would be great. Good luck x
    in Hello Comment by dlou1979 May 2011
  • Hi and welcome This site is really great for keeping you focused and the support you get from forums and posts are also great to keep you on track and motivated to stick with it. I'll happily add you we all need all the support we can get! Good luck x
  • I'm tempted to hang the jeans I loved wearing on the fridge to keep me motivated, a little impractical though lol
  • Hi and welcome I'm also in need of support as I have gained my weight back so will happily add you and share any advice or tips from when I lost weight the first time. Can't be much help on the keeping it off yet though!! lol Best of luck xx
  • Thats what I keep telling myself, damn chocolate and crisps just ban them all!! lol