dakotababy Member


  • Over the course of the last 3 years, my calorie intake has changed. Average 1600-1900/day. Some times it was lowered, some times higher. The absolute must-do was track my food as accurate as possible. Yes there were times I went a week without tracking, and yeah I eat all the same foods as I always have had. Workouts I…
  • Never and Never. I did it once, wont do it again for a long time.
  • I was eating CONSTANTLY. Clif bars, Almonds, Sandwiches, Quest bars, cheese. I had water, powerade. I powered through the pain for a while, and then after 6 hours I just hit a wall and tapped out. The burning in the quads came and went...However, I found the pain went away when I had a bunch of powerade...then I stopped…
  • So that would be the same for running? Burning quads are due to lack of electrolytes while exercising?
  • Absolutely it is worth it! and Absolutely you will get better as long as you keep at it! What kind of workout were you doing? When I started at 250lbs, I was horribly out of shape. Pack a day smoker, did not exercise AT ALL...hell, I would be sweating just getting dressed in the morning. I first started doing Leslie…
  • Yeah...losing weight has had its pros and cons. I am still trying to sort through it all. I have lost 104lbs in the last 3 years...I am now at 146lbs, 5'7. I feel way more confident when I do go out. Before I started losing weight (and a primary reason as to why I wanted to lose weight) I had some serious social…
  • I have just entered into maintenance about a month ago. I have found myself getting on the scale daily still. I find I start getting nervous when I am about 3lbs above my lowest weight which is 146lbs. That so far has been my cue to watch it!
  • Your weight seems good...but those calories seem high to me? What is your exercise regime at this point? (How often are you doing cardio/weights? How much weight are you lifting?)
  • Started at 250lbs. Lost 100lbs in 3 years exactly. I have since lost another 4ish pounds...I have pretty much entered into maintenance mode at 146-149lbs.
  • Its just not right.
  • I feel most confident when I am out, probably in more clothes?? I mean, I dont wear a sweater or winter coat in the middle of summer. I typically dont even wear shorts or show my legs in the summer either - though I wear leggings often with a loose tunic top. I guess this reminds me of an NSV - I wore short shorts to the…
  • I was in about a 1000-1200 calorie deficit each day. TDEE was about 2400-2500 calories a day (some days were even higher) when I started using my tracker. I was eating around 1200-1500 calories a day. (which was not enough) I went and started eating about 2000-2100 calories a day and then the weight started coming off…
  • I forgot to mention for those who can not afford a calorie tracker, if you google "Scooby's Calorie Calculator" a website will pop up where you put your information in and it gives you an approximation of how many calories you should be eating. This website was very close to the numbers provided by my bodymedia armband. At…
  • $$$ More money in his pocket. Get a new trainer.
  • Depends on your intensity each day...a "walk" day is a rest day for me while other days I work out too much (according to others on MFP). I never plan rest days, they just pop up every now and then when I do not feel well or if I get busy. If that happens, I do not feel guilty for taking a day off. I wouldnt worry about…
  • Honestly? It is boring as *kitten*. I like stronglifts, but it does nothing for my *kitten*.
  • Hell, even days when I just do the lifting with no cardio (as when I am lifting again, I try to drop my cardio before I drop the weights) I still get wiped. In fact, doing the cardio helps me some what keep my energy up for longer after a workout. If I didnt do cardio...I would likely only be able to pull off half of my…
  • I have never done weights for more than 2 weeks. I get too exhausted from it and stop and go straight back to cardio.
  • Basically how I do it, is I switch moves fairly quickly without too much just sitting around doing nothing (im not one to sit and stare at my cellphone while im at the gym) I do 5x OHP, get down and do some hip thrusts, Do 5x OHP, get down do some clams. Then I might do 2x5 OHP, do more hip thrusts, then OHP - prep for…
  • I also track with bodymedia - I go by the calories given by the device, aiming to hit maintenance. Possibly more on some days.
  • I dont know what you are doing when you lift weights, but yes - I get my lifting done in about 30mins.
  • I do stronglifts, with all of the lifts based on the program schedule. I throw in a few more moves from strong curves to focus more on the glutes, like some hip thrusts, clams, etc (not an entire program schedule) So basically, strong lifts + a few extra exercises.
  • I am eating around 1800-1900 calories..some days more as I am trying to break the "have to be in a deficit" mentality as I am now in maintenance. I am 5'7, 145lbs. I do turbo fire with an additional 10lb pack on, for about 20-30 mins, then 30 mins of lifting strong lifts 5x5 and some strong curves about every 2nd day. I do…
  • I am 5'7, started at 250lbs. I chose my first goal based on BMI charts, as well as I thought it would sound nice to say "I have lost 100lbs"...so I went with 150lbs. I reached this goal about 6 months ago. I decided to keep losing because I still had a lot of fat on me, I am now down to 145lbs. I just recently decided to…
  • 3 things. Leggings, Tunics/Dresses, Boots. If you lost 30 or more lbs, it will fit you the same. (the tunic/dress will just get looser, which is not nearly as bad as loose pants/shorts)
  • so...like a chocolate cupcake?
  • Sounds good! I will start with a recomp perhaps for the winter and re-evaluate in the spring. Thanks so much!
  • I have to agree! There is nothing wrong with having higher standards for living. You only get one - make it the best you can possibly make it!
  • this is tough. I am sorry for your situation...but make sure you are gentle with yourself. If it was me, I would tell myself "track the best you can...slowly adopt healthy behaviors as much as possible (drink more water, cut portions smaller when eating out, eat more veggies for snacks)- do not worry about working out at…
  • Ugh. I feel you OP. I think I am also getting stuck in the "just 5 more lbs" cycle. I am also 5'7, currently at 147lbs. I look in the mirror and I am pretty happy with how I look...except my fat belly. I am firm everywhere else..and my tummy feels like jello (and it is not loose skin by any means...at this point, i wish it…