

  • Posting publicly about your situation.. of course people are going to 'weigh in'. I think it's very rude of you to be so dismissive of the people who (don't even know you) are trying to be supportive to you based on the information that we had at hand. The stuff we told you is because we care about you and your situation.…
  • Erin, Please listen to the people on here that are suggesting you eat. If you starve yourself your metabolism will actually slow and go into 'conservation' mode where any calories you take it it will try to store. You need to create a subtle deficit in your daily intake, not so much that you barely meet your BMR (Basal…
  • Could be muscle too.. It weighs more than fat does. Check your food choices too. Drink more water. Try getting GOOD vitamins. Adjust and vary your exercises so your body doesn't get 'used' to them.
  • Who would have thought a cookie recipe would get 19 (and counting) pages.. on a fitness website.. ;P
  • Men need to know this! I am hairy, but certainly not a Wookiee! I've always been self conscious of it. Perhaps I've been too much so.