Get them a Ps3 so they are not sad any more over red rings of death.
Its just like weight lifting if you go to hard to fast damage will be done. Buddy of mine did a marathon with out any conditioning running. he was pretty healthy and in shape before the run but he was pretty much on bed rest for 3 weeks after becasue his shin spints were so bad. So id say just take it easy let it build up…
also im pretty sure it makes u have oily stool
HAHA, made me smile.
oh thats no good
What are you talking about?
Get off the computer and go run a lap.
Take a day off. Hott bath relax. Even gladiators got a day off.
Shes tiny 5" ish small frame i wouldnt dip below 115
Live in florida?
if u could gain 1-2 pounds a day in muscles you would be EPIC!
love it!!!
Tomato is a fruit. These are the the idiots we elect to run this country. How are they going to get us out of debt when they dont know the diffrence between a fruit and a vegetable?
Also 35 pounds doesnt make you a fatty.
What are your goals. Daily, Weekly, Monthly?
HI Melissa Welcome.:happy:
So you didnt mean fresh out the shower fresh you mean superman fresh lol
if you feel fresh after a workout you arnt going hard enough.
Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger
Listen to LMFAO - Sexy and I know it.
The little hand held Bissell carpet cleaner is the shizzz. Great product. Good for cleaning up spills on couches or small spots on carpet. It your trying to do a whole house forget about it. The vacume cleaner size is best. Just buy both and life will be good.
Your thinking about it the wrong way, let the stretch marks remind you of your effort to get back to your healthy body. Do you think some one with a scar from being shot thinks how they can cover it up nooo they think that sucked how can i never get shot again.
Its all about the Endorphins. The bodys natural feel good drug.
i have to have something chocolate once a week or i will stab something.
I have bankers hours cause im a banker lol so im a daywalker as well
I tried eating before once and after my work out I was hungry like I had never eating in the first place.
eat while working out lol? not sure if the gym would like that. :smile:
Great Job!