amuchison Member


  • WTG!!!! Awesome Success chica!!;)
  • Here is a link to my progress pics so far;) I'm also on FB and u can add me Ashleigh Muchison to see my month 9,10,11 pics;)
  • I feel you and when people see you eat so little and r not getting proper nutrition its sad but they shouldnt be mean...well anyway yes eat more and exercise and eat clean and healthy follow what MFP suggest and tweak if you need to what are your stats right now and how much do you need to lose to get to a healthy weight…
  • I weigh daily first thing in the morning and as long as I am 100% on my MF program then I drop weight daily usually .4-.6 lbs a day when Im 100%;) For me its a motivation and also a tracking thing I have weighed myself daily for a year on Aug 20th of this year:)
  • Therapy def helps try EMDR you can Google it;)
  • Try Reading Dr. A's Habits of Health by Dr. Wayne Anderson you have to change the habits and atomosphere associated with your binging
  • So I need to update my pics anyone know of a good site to use?
  • Wonderful progress!! Keep rocking chica:)!!
  • Pan seared Salmon and Zucchinni Ribbons you can find this reciepes on and then click on Medifast Only Reciepes
  • Hey chica congrats on your loss so far!!:) You are doing amazing is there a certain reason they have you on the 4-2-1 plan I am on the 5 n 1 plan have been OP for 11 months tomorrow:) My first 7 months I dropped 90 lbs was on and off since April had got down to my lowest of 177 Have been back OP for 5 days dropped 10.2lbs…
  • You can have up to 300 mg of caffeine so drink up but I would say drink water its going to help to flush the fat and if you need to use the Medifast flavor infusers you can have 5 and that goes a long way:) As well if you use the cal burns you can have up to 3 a day...also you can use crystal light 1/2 pack is half a…
    in Soda Pop? Comment by amuchison July 2012
  • Start today and remember you want health and to be fit and drop those 20lbs those r the primary goals but its the choices we make that either get us closer to or further away from those goals you may not like having to make the choice to workout or watch what you eat whatever it is for you but what are the consequences of…
  • I would say he can hold you accoutable while he is away by doing a weekly check in with you or when he can my husband is a submariner so he can only send emails and snail mail maybe so this last underway he would just ask me if I was on plan an kept encouraging me through his words that I can do this I am strong and he…
  • I would say if you dont already have a coach get one...I am one myself because they will be instrumental in helping you navigate through your well watch your sodium with the meatless options like egg beaters they r fine to have but just track it. As well I cant stress enough drink half your body weight in…
  • I agree make him buy you a new box, or extra chores for the week:)
  • Welcome!! What program are you doing?: Im doing Medifast:) Its Awesome!!
  • Welcome Pam stop dieting and start making this a lifestyle change:) diets dont work so maybe try eating 5-6 small meals a day drink half your body weight in water,eat lean meats,veggies,fruits,cheese,nuts,etc and stay away from all of that fatty,high carb,high sodium,high sugar foods and drinks move your body 3-5 times a…
  • Your body is still adjusting the first few weeks take your total avg so lets say you lost 10 your first week and 0 your second week then you lost 5lbs a week and thats the high avg!! Whatever your loss be happy and its not a gain and if you r every still concerned have your health coach or one of us vets take a look at…
  • I would say dont be too concerned about body fat percentage right now just be sure you are in the healthy range and as you get closer to your goal weight you can tweak and get lower than 25% BF if you want:)
  • Awesome takes 22 days to create a habit you got it in the bag now!!:)
  • Eat more def its not all about cals but the Nutrition benind them if you eat 1200 cal you are probably not getting all the protein,carbs,healthy fats,etc that you need i would try 6 meals a day B,L,D 300-400 cals lean protein,veggies and a whole grain starch and then 3 snacks 100-200 cals maybe fruit,veggies,nuts etc It…
  • Diets dont work 85% of them fail you have to make this a lifestyle change and it takes work more work than it took to put on the weight but it is possible to get it off and keep it off:) You have to first change your Habits ...50% veggies low GI 25% starch low GI 25% protein lean meats and exercise 5-6 times a week 2-3…
  • U need wayyy more than 6-8 glasses of water a day...i would say at least half your body weight in ounces :)
  • Depends on why? and if there is anything that can be done to prevent it? I.E. a health issue,losing weight whatever and then man controls nothing God controls everything so I would be on my knees saying the Serenity Prayer and then move on and live life:)
  • Hi there I would love to be your friend I have a total of 118lbs to lose I started my journey Aug 20,2011 and am down 67lbs my goal is to reach 100lbs down by my 1 year Anniversary but its looking like if I hit at least 75-80lbs down I will be happy and then my deadline for myself is Oct 20th to be down to 150lbs I started…
  • I think if you cant handle weekly then weigh montlhly if you do what you are supposed to 24-7 then you dont have to worry about not losing weight plus your body doesnt know your weigh in day:) I personally weigh daily actually 3 times a day morning,midday,and night I like to track:) I dont get discouraged so it dosent…
  • Amazing!! Yes the pics def speak for themselves:)
  • LBS add up and changing your Habits of Health multiplies those least you arent gaining those just a LBS can add up there too...WTG on celebrating the LBS its 80% Nutrition and 20% exercsie some take 2 years to drop 50 lbs some take 4-6 months we r all diff and the work we put in is as well:)
  • I would say if you think you would like the support side sure buy online I am a coach myself now and I love having a coach to help me through and to get advice from...its nice to pull from someone who has been successful but who also has had the ups and downs that I may or maynot go through:) LOVE LOVE LOVE Take Shape for…
  • 1000 calories is def not enough its also about Nutrition and you arent getting enough...look at your protein,sodium,carb,vitamin look at all those numbers where do you fall n the healthy range of need more cals I eat 800-1000 cals a day but on a monitored scientifically backed plan and my Nutrition I am…