

  • Just an FYI.. I went to the library today and found 3 of her DVDs including the one you mentioned. I would say try it before you buy it to make sure it is something you really want to purchase. Just a thought.
  • My two daughters are gluten and dairy free and I am wheat intolerant. I have 3 guys in my household that are not so meals can be a little challenging but it has become easier and easier over the years. She was diagnosed in fourth grade; she is now 22 and my other daughter recently diagnosed and she is 20. Any questions…
  • Have you ever tried a strength training program targeting a muscle group each time mixed with a cardio on other days. You can even mix 1 minute of cardio in between sets that is very beneficial. There are fitness magazines you can sign up to and you receive emails and they offer all sorts of different workouts and these…
  • We unfortunately are our worse critics. Be proud of the fact that you got outside and on top of it you did a lap; you could have turned around immediately and not even tried. That is half the battle and you DID IT!!! CONGRATS. Dont give up the fight.
  • My opinion only but even though you are excited about this new you; you may still have your comfort zones. Celebrate you. Also again just my thoughts but as you go along this journey maybe shop at a used clothing store so that you dont have to spend a lot of money on clothes until you reach your goal weight. Remember you…
  • They are a great workout. They mix strength training with some cardio. I had worked with a personal trainer a while back and this was the way she taught. I am now a group fitness instructor and I do this in my bootcamps. I am on here for support to my daughter and friends. I am also doing this so that I can learn more…
  • I am a group fitness instructor finishing my certification for personal training. What are your specific goals, and do you have a goal date in mind. There are different ways to go about this. You need to look at your current endurance level and start from there and build again depending on what types of goals you have set…
  • Hi My reason for joining is different, I am here to support a friend in her weight loss journey. I am a group fitness instructor on my way to personal training. I would be more than happy to help you with the support you need be it nutrition, guidance, workout plans or just a support and listening ear. I love what I do and…
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