NGMama Member


  • You can make loads of different kinds of bean dips so that at least what extra calories you do consume have lots of nutrition. Besides, nutrients in carrots absorb better when consumed with some fat.
  • Really? Then go away. Why waste your energy to say something negative when clearly it's a topic that matters to other people, particularly those of us who have something called feelings. Ask your Yorkies, they probably know what they are.
  • That makes me so sad. I'd choose the orangutans (and all of the other animals) over him any day. There's a good article in the current edition of Veg News about exactly this topic, minus the dumbass Oz.
  • I'm not fasting but I do like making juice in my VitaMix. It's great after work and before dinner so I don't snack on junk.
  • There is a cookbook called Decptively Delicious that uses all kinds of hidden veggies. I puréed beets to make pink pancakes!
  • My daughter was insisting on some weird cracker thing at the grocery store. She's gluten intolerant so I said no. She pulled her three year old little self as tall as she could, hands on hips, curly red hair flying and said, very loudly, "I TOLD you, I WANT those crackers RIGHT NOW!". I said "Is that how you're supposed to…
  • Well, hi OP! I'm excited for you to make a change! I feel my health has improved a lot since I went veg'n. I'm mostly vegan, shooting for 100% now as I've realized dairy and eggs just don 't jive in my body. Enjoy your journey! I've been on a logging break but am back at it as of tomorrow if you want another veg'n friend.
  • I think you have a raw foods diet confused with the 'fruitarian". If you're talking about the blonde woman (I can't think of how to spell her name, she puts out some pretty angry vids), she talks a lot about eating a bajillion pieces of fruit a day. People who are on a "high raw" diet eat regular amounts of food, just…
  • Sounds interesting but I would really miss the tahini! My fave hummus trick is to bake a potato, cut it in half and take out most of the potato. Exactly as a pototo skin in a restaurant would. instead of stuffing it with nasty cheese and bacon I put in hummus mixed up with cherry tomatoes and green onion. Stick it back in…
  • I really like this thread too. We spend a lot of our budget on produce. We have to be gluten free and dairy free in this house so we eat very little pre-made grain products. If I buy it, it's at least 3x the cost. I'm carving out more and more time for baking for school lunches. After reading this I feel inspired to learn…
  • Do you drink the whole green monster for one meal?
  • You know, it's asinine to put something about liking bacon and milk on a thread like this. Why? Just to make fun of people? I think some of the foods I see on here are downright disgusting and I don't go and post stupid stuff on those threads. Grow up! For me, going plant based has pretty well obliterated the migraines I…
  • Nice! I find it tough to get time to eat at work so the greens drinks are really working well. I make an absolutely huge one and that takes me through my work. My work is sedentary though. Today is beet greens, a large beet, kale and pineapple. YUM!
  • Tagging. I've read The China Study but have not read or watched the others. I believe there is a lot of compelling information about a plant based diet.
  • Wow,, your daughter is a walking miracle!!! Enjoy your journey! Edited for autocorrect.
  • Check out the Thrive Diet. He's an Ironman Triathelete and the formulator of Vega.
  • FINALLY!!! Someone got a song stuck inmy head that I looooooove! :love: :laugh:
  • I'm pretty much there with you. My little one really likes organic "tofood" diced small and sauteed in coconut oil. Toward the end I toss in a whole pile of baby spinach and cherry tomatoes. Let the spinach wilt a bit and the tomatoes heat. All told you're talking ten minutes including prep time. I like the tofu a bit…
  • Aaaaaaand, it's awesome. Although I added papaya instead f peaches and threw in a tbsp of dates. I had to wrestle it from my two year old!!!!!:laugh:
  • Yesterday was an epic fail as I ended up not being home allllll day. I did make a really good supper though of local corn, a local tomato and scallion salad and Brussels sprouts shredded and sautéed with fresh garlic and ginger root. I believe I'll start this morning with a smoothie of baby spinach, celery, cucumber,…
  • Accepted and thanks! I had toyed with starting tomorrow but I need groceries and I don't think there's enough here for a full day of juicing. I'm thinking Friday. What about you?
    in Vitamix Comment by NGMama July 2012
  • Hiya! I have only done one official juice cleanse and I only did it for a few days. I'm gearing up to try for two weeks. We can do a mutual support deal if you'd like. The first day I was really hungry and had a headache. I do find it challenging as I have two little ones. It's hard to cook when I'm not joining them.…
    in Vitamix Comment by NGMama July 2012
  • I do it all the time. I either drink it as is, or if I'm really wanting just juice, strain it through a nut milk bag. Messy but it works fine. What kind of fast will you do?
    in Vitamix Comment by NGMama July 2012
  • Always guys in my hot yoga class too. Most of them are actually quite ripped and seem to enjoy it. The only time it ever bothered me was when two guys came together, struggled with the poses and used the time instead to talk about which poses they would like to use sexually, and with which person in the class. As long as…
  • Those ribs often move in women to accommodate pregnancy. I have a friend who had twins at 38 weeks. She's about 5'3" so her lower ribs really moved to make room for the babes. She has one side that sometimes "pops out" , for lack of a better expression, when she exercises. She said it's excruciating. She lays in a hot bath…
  • You TOTALLY made my day! I love to see a bully get what's coming to them!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I love them, especially the new formulation. I blend the chocolate one with berries, coconut water and some greens. My kids love it too.
    in Vega anyone? Comment by NGMama July 2012
  • I have read that people in recovery from anorexia sometimes need loads and loads of calories as their bodies work to repair the damage it caused. I'm sorry, I don't have the source. I would say a trip to the doc is in order. Good luck.
  • [/quote] I tried so hard to stay away from this one but I just can't help myself, I guess. It stuck out to me the first time I read the OP as well. He most definitely did what I call "othered" the Somali guys. Whatever. I just let that stuff slide off me. Better that that get labeled as the Angry Black Guy. The young man…
    in Gym "guys" Comment by NGMama June 2012
  • Jae Steele has a recipe for juicer pulp muffins. I like to juice but I consume all of it too. Just the juice doesn't leave me satisfied. I do coconut water, some vega protein, kale or spinach and frozen berries a lot of the time. Soooo good! You can totally omit the protein, I just like it. Oh, and beets with apple, lemon…