JesseM28 Member


  • I know I'm late but can I join? Just the motivation I need!!!
  • Is it too late to join? I'd love to lose 30 pounds by Christmas!
  • That is so true!!! I forget about that. I am definetly regretting that five minutes for WAYYYY longer than it actually took me to eat the pizza and cake!!! Ok I am done with junk more excuses. I will just have to pick myself up and keep going!!
  • You overeat? Yesterday and today there have been lots of pizza and cake at my house and I'm having a really hard time keeping myself from eating all of both. This morning I had two pieces of pizza and a piece of cake for breakfast!!! What do you guys do to distract yourselves/ keep yourself from gorging upon tempting food…
  • Hi! My goal is to lose weight, but I am really focusing on reducing my body fat. I have heard several differerent methods as to how best to lose BF, but I'm still confused. If I just eat healthier and exercise will it come off naturally or do I have to focus on eating really low fat? Are there food groups I need to cut out…