Inspired5 Member


  • Ok I will try some of these suggestions. I've had my thyroid tested a few times but always comes back as healthy. I do know I'm intolerant to wheat so try eat wheat and gluten free. I Make a lot of clean meals because I don't like the thought of processed food. I will lower the calories to about 1300. At 1200 I get too…
  • I did herbal magic for 6 months. I did lose weight however its extremly pricey. They make all there money when you buy the supplements. The location I attended actually wouldn't work with you unless you used supplements because otherwise you weren't truely doing the program. The calorie count was 900 a day. When i brought…
  • Count me in! I have 31 lbs to go. I seem to get started and never finish my goal.
  • Sometimes it takes time for our bodies to catch up. My husband did the same kind of routine below and it took him 4 weeks before he lost any weight. However once he did he lost 3-4lbs every week. Just be patient it will show up.