hng0603 Member


  • I thinkin may have done the same? This doesn't have any taste or smell once opened.
  • Cardio is key.... you can have the strongest abs in the world but with fat covering it you cant see it. Also, genetics plays a HUGE role in it.... and of course nutirtion and exercise.... lots of various planks, mt.climbers, bicycles, stability ball work, ect. also remember, if you are training your abs you need to train…
  • Thank you all. I have my swim workout tomorrow morning and I will keep this all in mind. I too am also asthmatic, and thats another thing I am trying to work on(endurance) and keeping myself calm when my breathing feels sporatic... Thanks again! any tips,education, and suggestions are always appreciated!
  • I also just signed up for my first one( sprint tri) and am mentally freaking myself out about transitions, not feeling prepared, ect. Im trying to remind myself its just to push myself and have fun but it's not working. We only have 7 weeks to train. Here's to hoping I don't drown. :)