Triathlon 1st timer help

atynk Posts: 400 Member
Hi I am doing a tri-a-tri in June, Its basically a 200 meter swim, 20 km bike ride and 2 km run... I have never done anything like this before. I am pretty athletic right now I play soccer and hockey, and I do a spinning class 2x a week and swim at least 1x. I hate running, but will be starting to add that in also ... anyone every done a triathlon before or a sprint tri? Can you give me any tips or advice? I'm a little worried because I only have a mountain bike and I know you go much slower on them... I would like to do well in my first race so maybe I will be inspired to do more...
any help is appreciated!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Talk to MirandaJayne. She's training for a tri-a-tri also. :happy: You can also read her blog here: She usually just posts what she ate for the day and what she did exercise-wise. I know she has spin class on some days, and swims on others, and runs but I couldn't tell you how much or what her strategy is.
  • Canuck_TriFit
    Canuck_TriFit Posts: 97 Member
    Hi I am doing a tri-a-tri in June, Its basically a 200 meter swim, 20 km bike ride and 2 km run... I have never done anything like this before. I am pretty athletic right now I play soccer and hockey, and I do a spinning class 2x a week and swim at least 1x. I hate running, but will be starting to add that in also ... anyone every done a triathlon before or a sprint tri? Can you give me any tips or advice? I'm a little worried because I only have a mountain bike and I know you go much slower on them... I would like to do well in my first race so maybe I will be inspired to do more...
    any help is appreciated!

    Here's a link to a site that has a lot of useful information.

    Mountain bikes are fine for your first tri but you're right they do slow you down compared to a tri or road bike. Even hybrids are better. I did my first Tri last year and borrowed a friends hybrid and it did ok. The other thing you might want to look at is renting a wet suit, unless you like cold water. Make sure you read the rules about transitions. For your first one you don't really need a lot, you should be looking at whether or not it is for you. Enjoy yourself. Everyone is very friendly at these events.
  • cousint
    cousint Posts: 11
    I did a sprint tri last summer. A girlfriend of mine who is VERY fit had done one before mine and she did it on a mountain bike and had a terrible experience. She said she just watched people flying past her and there was nothing she could do about it. So, I went to Performance Bikes (They are a national chain and have the best prices hands down!) and bought a road bike. It was worth it. If buying one is not an option, just rent one. The same friend did this tri with me and still hadn't bought a road bike. She was able to rent one for like $30 for the weekend. My best advice on the swimming is absolutely train, but be prepared to have to modify your stroke for at least the first 50 meters, because you will get kicked and pushed and you will be kicking and pushing. I trained really hard on my swim and was prepared for that to be my strongest leg and as it turned out, I was only able to really swim for about half the distance. The rest of it was spend side crawling in an effort to get myself to an empty space so I could freestyle. If you get yourself a good bike, the rest of the race after the swim is smooth sailing. Just enjoy it!
  • athenafl
    athenafl Posts: 41 Member
    Good for you! I've been doing tris for a few years and love it. I hope you do, too.

    Someone else mentioned the trinewbies site. That's a very good site. Excellent recommendation.

    The first tri I ever did was similar distance to yours. All I did regularly for exercise was walk and ride my bike (a hybrid). 2K is just over a mile, so if you can't run the whole way you can still finish in a reasonable amount of time if you walk. Since you have a mountain bike, I suggest that if they have a mountain bike or fat tire category or even a first-timer category, you consider signing up for that rather than your age group. People in the age group categories will probably tend to have road bikes or tri bikes and they will fly by you.

    Which brings me to my second suggestion: make your primary goals finishing the race and having fun. It's much tougher to have fun if you're all wound up about what place you finish in.

    When I did my first race, I got advice from my brother, who was a very experienced triathlete. The best piece of advice he gave me was to do at least two bike/run brick workouts before the race. To do this, ride your bike for approximately the amount of time you'll be riding in the race. Then jump off the bike, change into your running shoes, and hit the road for a mile or so. The other piece of advice he gave me was to put my swim goggles on first, then put on the cap. There is a lot of contact in the swim and it's not unusual to get kicked or grabbed by other swimmers. Your goggles could easily get kicked off. If the strap is under the cap, they won't fall off completely. Trinewbies probably has a lot of info about transition set up. It's important to be a bit organized so you don't waste time in transition.

    Be prepared for the swim. There is a lot of contact and it can be intimidating. It's okay to swim any stroke and if you need to tread water, that's okay, too. It might also be intimidating to see the distance of the course all laid out in straight lines. 200 meters or 400 meters doesn't seem like much in a pool, but I've heard people at races get a little intimidated when they see it marked in a lake or ocean.

    Above all, just have a great time!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks for all the tips.... I am def going to rent a bike... I forgot to mention this sprint since it is meant for most first timers the swim is actually done in a lap pool... they start everyone at different times so you will never really know what place you are in... that should take care of getting kicked in the face lol... if I like this then I will do the open water one!
  • hng0603
    hng0603 Posts: 5 Member
    I also just signed up for my first one( sprint tri) and am mentally freaking myself out about transitions, not feeling prepared, ect. Im trying to remind myself its just to push myself and have fun but it's not working. We only have 7 weeks to train.
    Here's to hoping I don't drown. :)
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I also just signed up for my first one( sprint tri) and am mentally freaking myself out about transitions, not feeling prepared, ect. Im trying to remind myself its just to push myself and have fun but it's not working. We only have 7 weeks to train.
    Here's to hoping I don't drown. :)

    I just completed my first tri a tri last weekend.. if you have any questions I am happy to help!