

  • I am so moved by your message. I am just beginning my journey and what a gift your message was. I know I am taking small steps and remembering to congratulate myself for each small accomplishment. Setting very small goals and sticking to them day by day will help you start to feel like the winner you can become. Please…
  • Homemade macaroni and cheese for two meals...and nothing but macaroni and cheese for those meals. UGH
  • I think you set one small goal a day and just focus on that one goal for a few days. Then add another small goal until you are slowly but surely building up towards living a healthy lifestyle and making better choices. For example, today you might just eliminate one "problem" food: candy or cookies but just one. Work on…
  • Some of this depends upon your age and specific needs I think. I do take a multivitamin every day, two fish oil capsules (huge believer in fish oil), and a B-12 for energy. I would start slow. I think the essentials are the fish oil and a multivitamin. If I were going to add anything else it would be calcium.
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