Am I Too Fat to Be Here?



  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    The folks on here are so amazing...much support.... I'm 2 months into my journey.... signed up in January... but didn't log once until 04 March when I jumped on the scale.... OMG.. for me - my heaviest weight ever. So, my journey is up and running.... this morning - hit 9 lbs off from heaviest weigh in (04 Mar).....

    The MFP support buddies make my day.... and the program is so user friendly. Good luck on your journey! You can do it!
  • Sam_Hain
    Sam_Hain Posts: 68 Member
    If 16 pages of replies with what I hope are all supportive comments, that should be a clue that you are in the right place.

    If you need motivation, something that helps me is checking the success stories.

    Find some friends and don't get discouraged. I think a good part of the "battle" is making the decision to make the change so I offer you my first of many kudos!
  • boase
    boase Posts: 1
    as you have found out you are not alone and we are glad to have you as an on going MFP groupie.. Go Go Go ,,, the world you want is waiting. add me if you wish as a pal.....:smile:
  • deesquared18
    deesquared18 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there,

    Please don't think you're too fat to be here - this is a really amazing and supportive place of people all shapes and sizes. I've got a lot to lose myself (220 lbs, of which I've lost 37 already!) and I've found other people in similar situations and those with less/more to lose than me equally supportive and inspirational. I know it may seem like a long journey but you've taken the first step being here and you CAN do it!
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    when i started i was at 370lbs. if i can do it, so can you. good luck :)
  • FindingEve
    FindingEve Posts: 6
    I am so moved by your message. I am just beginning my journey and what a gift your message was. I know I am taking small steps and remembering to congratulate myself for each small accomplishment. Setting very small goals and sticking to them day by day will help you start to feel like the winner you can become. Please continue to blog
  • riforst
    riforst Posts: 2
    Feeling the love for you right now!! i need to drop about 95lbs and you can totally do it!! luckily for you you'll see a difference right away.

    Losing the weight will elongate your life! you'll be able to live to see your kids have kids and shopping will be easier!!

    it isnt even about movement at this point for you!! its all about adjusting your food intake! and its so simple! you can do this!!

    start logging what you eat!! its so amazing. you'll love it!
  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    I only joined MFP last week and so glad I did, you will get lots of help and support here and the daily diary is a really easy tool for keeping up with your food and exercise, it's really helpful :smile:
  • maclelland4
    maclelland4 Posts: 11 Member
    hell no you are not to fat for mfp we all start samewhere i also have a lot to lose
  • wellingfamily507
    wellingfamily507 Posts: 35 Member
    You've come to the right place! You have to start from today and make small changes, that is how we move forward in this journey, the first thing I did was give up drinking pop, I drink 3 liters of water a daynow, it's a lifestyle change, at first I didn't really exercise at all, now I add exercise in all the time, I try for 2 hours a day, I walk an hour, and have started a strength training class thats an hour, I didn't like it at first, but I love it now, journal everything you are eating, so you can see what is working for you, MFP is an awesome sight and you will fins a lot of people here that will encourage and lift you up! Please feel free to add me as a friend! I am looking to lose 100 pounds, and I would be glad to help you out along the way!
  • Think first of health, then the weight will follow. One step at a time. You know you can do this, for your kids. They will be more proud everyday! You ARE worth it! Just start moving with what is comfortable to you, then you can push a little. NEVER GIVE UP!! If you stubble, get right back on the wagon. Good luck, we are all pulling for you!
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 213 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    I've only been here a short time but the community is really great. I've seen so many people here who have taken that first step to loosing hundreds! yes hundreds of pounds. It does take commitment to the goal of weightloss not just a number but a lifestyle change which is difficult.

    Check out the groups as there are some specialty groups for people with exceptional challenges.
    Also, I recomend reading some of the old recommended and popular posts as they contain good advice and answer a great many questions about what happens to your body when you try and lose weight.

    It seems that a great many people have physical challenges but put those aside for now (I know because I'm over 50 and wrecked my shoulder in an auto accident) and think of the things you can change instead of those that you can't.
  • RobinWyt
    RobinWyt Posts: 2
    NO you are not. It's never too late as long as you determine to do it and that's why people use MFP.
  • crystall2190
    crystall2190 Posts: 30 Member
    You're right where you need to be for all the support you need! We're all here for you, and you're AWESOME for taking control! YOU'VE GOT THIS!!
  • Cazzimon
    Cazzimon Posts: 3
    You are NOT too fat to be here!
    I also have health problems that make exercising very difficult..maybe we can come up with some gentle exercises together?! I wish you luck on your weight loss. Feel free to add me.
  • Mrs16
    Mrs16 Posts: 86
    Welcome to MFP!everyone I've met here is supportive and friendly. Congrats on taking the first step. Feel free to add me. I am on here everyday and would lovetohelp cheer you on.
  • JaeDaKing
    JaeDaKing Posts: 50 Member
    YOU ARE IN THE PERFECT PLACE!!!!!!!!! Add me I hope to see you succeed your goals!
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    You are totally in the right place. My highest weight, that I can recollect, is around 375lbs, so I can completely sympathize. Myfitnesspal changed my life, I hope you're willing to let it change yours! It was until i signed up for this website that I got serious about my life and body. Don't get me wrong, I've lost, and then gained a little back, and lost again, and gained, and lost, and lost, and gained, and lost.. but i'm still losing and trying to always stay concious of my goal and my health. I have faith you can do it! Stay strong! You're in the best place possible.
  • ellenmariekraft
    ellenmariekraft Posts: 1 Member
    I'm pulling for YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    No one is too fat to be here and I dont think anyone is going to snicker at how much you weigh. At least I dont. We are all here for the same reason, to lose weight and support each other. I am happy to hear that you want to change your lifestyle and want to lose weight. Yay for you. If you would like my support feel free to add me as a friend.