I am really having such a hard time locking down this weight factor, i have been trying to find the niche in it.
i am also really falling short of working out and having the drive for it to stay on it.. i always drift off back to the negative.
well does anyone else really have problems with getting in shape and i am not just a small bit over wight i am morbidly obese, 400lbs..and all i want the most important thing to me right now is my weight.


  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    Hi im Judith im 20 yrs old and i struggle alot with my weight i am in the obese category and im about 80lbs overweight like you i have a hard time with working out and finding the drive for it and even when i do seem to stick to eating well and working out it usually doesnt last more than 2weeks and i gain any weight i have lost back. Feel free to add me on here i would love having someone who can help motivate me and i can do the same for you :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You can do it.

    Take it one day at a time brother. MFP is a great tool, start using it to track intake and take things a step at a time. You could put a big, big dent in that weight number in a year or so.
  • lovinbutterflys
    lovinbutterflys Posts: 131 Member
    I think you should take it one day at a time. Sometime when we look at the whole picture it seems overwhelming. Just make small goals that way it doesn't seem so hard to stick with also join challenge not only will you meet more people to motivate you bit it will be like hitting a reset button to starting something new. We all are very head strong in the beginning then life hits you in the face and we fall off track. You can do this you can add me as a friend if you like and we can help each other out!
  • I do as well to find the right way to do it I lost alot and gained back alot, Slow metabolism now. I awoke with swollen ankles this morning and said no more At amy age we must exercise to achieve our goals, Plus once you start you get addicted,
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    As others have said, one day at a time. Find something you enjoy and start small if need be. A lot of people who are new to exercise start so just by walking. Maybe you could get the ball rolling by telling yourself you will walk at min. 3 or 4 days a week 20-30 min or whatever works for you. Believe me its tough for everyone. I've come to love the time and energy I put into my workouts, but after 2 days off it was still hard to muster the energy for a run yesterday. Also if you like strength training there are a lot of helpful exercises you can do around the house. Hopefully you find something you enjoy-just stick with it, you know they say you have to things quite a few times before it becomes a habit.
  • Smelerz
    Smelerz Posts: 115 Member
    I used to struggle a lot and then I bought session with a personal trainer and signed up for classes. I found the best way to keep my exercise on track was to schedule it, I can't depend on myself to do it. I need an instructor infront of my all the time, I need to have an appointment on my calendar. I started doing that in April and I am down 30lbs and close to 40inches. I still dont trust myself to do it on my own, but I believe this way is going to work for me. MFP is a gret tool for food. Even if you go over your cals you can still learn what each food is made up of (cal, sodium, sugar etc) Best of luck!
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    The first couple of weeks are extremely difficult, but once you get past that I find it's usually much easier. It takes 2 weeks to make a habit =) Make sure you put forth twice the amount of effort in order to get over that first hurdle!
  • I struggle all the time. I am a single mom and working out for me is always really hard. And making the right food choice is twice as hard when I feel like I am always short on time. But MFP is such a great resource. Theres so many people to help support you here. Different ways you can do things. You can do this :)
  • I think you set one small goal a day and just focus on that one goal for a few days. Then add another small goal until you are slowly but surely building up towards living a healthy lifestyle and making better choices.

    For example, today you might just eliminate one "problem" food: candy or cookies but just one. Work on that a few days and then add 15 minutes of walking plus elimination of the candy or whatever. After another few days add something else, like eliminating fried food plus walking plus eliminating candy. Blog or journal your success each day. Don't worry about weight loss at first: just meeting a small goal so you can begin to feel success and record success and believe yourself to be successful.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I am really having such a hard time locking down this weight factor, i have been trying to find the niche in it.
    i am also really falling short of working out and having the drive for it to stay on it.. i always drift off back to the negative.
    well does anyone else really have problems with getting in shape and i am not just a small bit over wight i am morbidly obese, 400lbs..and all i want the most important thing to me right now is my weight.

    You have to sit back and imagine where you want to be on January 1st 2013.
    Give yourself a realistic healthy goal and just go for it.

    What are your goals for 2012?
    Are you set up for success in MFP?
    What type of equipment do you have access to?
    If you need help running dietary numbers send me a PM and i'll help you as best I can!

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • prwthomas
    prwthomas Posts: 43 Member
    YES. I'm feeling very disappointed in myself for gaining back weight that I've lost. It's a constant struggle. But I am here. I record the awful weight number and keep trying each day at a time. I think there are sincere people here who have been successful and who truly want to encourage us. I personally would love to add more friends, so look for a request from me. Hang in there. You're in the right place.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    Here are my pointers..

    Sometimes getting hooked into it completely it can be hard. What I would recommend is to ease into it. For the first week eliminate one thing that you know is contributing to your weight gain. I would recommend sugar. Get that down then move onto something else. Ease into it, sometimes jumping fully into it will just cause failure.

    Good luck... You can do it!
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    Yes, me too. Took an Xmas break, there isnt anything else I could possibly want to eat. Today is my day, starting point to get my act together. Good luck Hang in there.
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    your post could so easily be me - not the amount of weight but the staying with the program

    I found a really good book that deals with the psychological aspects for eating healthly and exercise

    its a 6 week program of tasks to do daily

    its called
    the beck diet solution
    here is a link to the book on amazon
  • I'm feeling the same way. Know that you're not alone in this & that it's best to take things one choice at a time. You can do it!
  • The first couple of weeks are extremely difficult, but once you get past that I find it's usually much easier. It takes 2 weeks to make a habit =) Make sure you put forth twice the amount of effort in order to get over that first hurdle!

    Very true it just takes two weeks to make a habit and once you got it things do get soooo much easier!
  • As so many others have stated, set yourself a LOT of mini goals- to reach by certain dates, as well as a final (ideal) one- but even that isn't set in concrete
    ( you may very well change that as you progress )

    And if you think that it's ALL too much for you....*consider* JUST focusing in on the FOOD choices right now instead of EXERCISE AND FOOD restrictions........
    which, in MY opinion, is the GREATER change in lifestyle- and the KEY to maintaining it-
    it will slow down your progress, but you WILL continually loose....while re-training your brain to learn to be satisfied with LESS
    and being aware of the food you're eating.........

    BEST WISHES to you
  • penny5
    penny5 Posts: 148 Member
    I know that exercise is important, but if you are struggling for energy maybe you could just focus on eating healthy at first to up your energy level. Diet has a lot to do with feeling sluggish and unmotivated. Eating fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, and drinking 8 glasses of water per day will make a huge difference in how your body feels. Once I stared drinking my 8 glasses of water per day, it was like a fog lifted from in my head. I know it sounds weird but I was drinking diet soda and I felt like crap. Once you start feeling better, exercise can be added in gradually. Even small changes can make a big difference. Try not to get overwhelmed.

    Feel free to add me if you would like some extra support. :flowerforyou:
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I have to agree, even on MFP and diligently recording it can take time to find something that fits. My doctor has been occassionally tweaking my diet but I think it's right now as the weight is slowing coming off. However, until I stacked more movement on top of an already very busy job I didn't get the scale to move much. I started slow and you might have to start even more slowly, a friend of mine told me at 400 lbs she could just make it to the end of her driveway, she did that for a week, then moved out and down the sidewalk a bit and now she's walking a mile or more every day. Go slow, and work up, I started at home with a manual treadmill and 5 lb weights and a Wii with Wii Fit Plus. Two months later I have now joined a gym and added strength training and rowing into my program and I could barely do .25 miles on my treadmill when I started. It works, just be patient, you didn't get fat overnight and you won't get skinny overnight. Like most of the really good folks here say, it's a simple case of eat less and move more but really it's not eat less as I'm always telling my husband, it's eat less of the wrong things. Vegetables, fruit, greens, etc, find ones you like and make them your friends. Whole grains instead of white, lean meat instead of breaded, but baby steps not all at once, substiute slowly and one day you will say, wow, I don't even want that bag of potato chips.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    You can do it- this site will really help-

    Set small goals for yourself- 200 lbs is overwhelming- start small- 5lbs at a time- or one pant size- stay positive and don't hesitate to add friends and let us know when you need encouragment! Sometimes, it just helsp to vent to someone- that's what we are all here for!

    :smile: Good luck!