cgvoabc Member


  • I've lost track of how much money I've lost in buying new clothes as I lost weight.
  • I don't warm up/cool down or stretch when I run. When I first started running I did what you did but noticed that when I'd stretch/warm up I felt I wasn't running efficiently, it felt like I was running in sand. I tried running without warming up or stretching and my running felt much better so I haven't done it since.…
  • Another vote for heart rate monitor. After buying one and using it along with Runkeeper to track my workouts my calorie burn estimates are much more consistent and realistic!
  • Thanks for that bit of info, I'll contact and admin to get it fixed! Thanks again!
  • I must say that I'm disappointed that one must log in to the site for the streak to keep going. I do 99.9% of my food logging through my phone app but I still need to login to the site once a day to continue the streak. Even though I've been logging food everyday since May; I forgot to login to the site once and my streak…
  • I was raised to be polite ALL...THE...TIME. My wife hates that about me. I'd rather take the chocolate and not eat it then refuse it and risk offending someone. Good or Bad; I don't know but that's how I manage those types of situations.
  • BURN IT!! I donated my old clothes and I'm just about at the point where I need to replace the clothes I bought a few months ago so more to donate. It never dawned on how expensive it would be getting in shape!
  • Same as above, I keep recording until everything is complete.
  • I tried the pills for about a month. In that month I dropped about 15 pounds. Did the pills help me lose weight? I don't think so. Did they help curb my appetite? Absolutely! Was it possibly a placebo effect? Possibly. But if spending an extra $25 dollars on pills that I thought would help suppress my appetite helped me…
  • What do I do when I crave Ice cream? Before my eating change I would polish off a carton in a few sittings. But now i just give myself the recommended serving size of 1/4 cup. I get to take care of the craving without going overboard. Hasn't failed me yet!
  • OK, here goes: I'm married and we have three kids (2 5 year old b/g twins and a 1 year old girl). #1. Let's be honest; the hardest part of our day involves taking care of our kids. We know it's something we have to do so I decided to change how I spent time with my kids. Before deciding on getting healthy time with my kids…
  • Is the weight loss due to the pills? Nope. Do the pills help with weight loss due to it's ability to suppress your appetite? Absolutely!! I think people are delusional if a pill will cause you to lose weight. But that was never my intention with the pill. I used it because I wanted it to suppress my appetite without…
  • I'm not "hatin' bro"; I'm just stating the facts.
  • An actual response? Wow!! So this is saying what I've said my experience was... Will you lose weight? No Will it suppress appetite? Yes
  • You mean all the ones where everyone is acting like 5 year olds? Because I haven't seen one actual post noting any negative side effects.
  • I decided to try it out when I started on my "diet". It helped suppress the appetite as I had made the decision to change my eating habits abruptly. Did the pills help me lose weight? Not at all. Did the pills suppress my appetite? No doubt about it! A few weeks in I started to cut back on the pills and I've just stopped…