

  • We are going about an hour away from where we live to a spa weekend. I want to do nothing but be pampered and relax.
  • i am getting married in 106 days. Just started Jillian Michaels 90day Body Revolution. Hopefully I can get rid of the ugly underarm fat. Good luck everyone!
  • I started 4/23 and quit after just 3 days. My work schedule is insane. I know I have to put me first what is an extra 30 min a day of exercise when i already worked 14 hrs. I have to keep my eye on the prize my wedding dress. So today I will start again and keep going! After the wedding I plan to keep up with 4 days a week.
  • I am on day two. I do not eat meat or dairy. I could not find a vegan or vegetarian meal plan for br. If you listen to Jillian speak she is not a believer in being vegan or vegeterian. I just started getting eggs from the farm and wild fish from the market and my body seems pretty happy with it. For the first week i have…
  • Good evening! I did cardio 1 this am and according to my hrm polar f6 i burned 202 cal. I did workout this evening and burned 161 cal. I am 33 years old 5 ft 3 inches and bounce around 130 lbs if that helps anyone. All in all I feel good. The workouts were tough without being impossible which keeps me motivated.
  • I started today. Just did cardio 1. I am a little frightened to say it wasn't bad at all since I don't know what is to come. Will do workout 1 tonight. I do not eat meat or dairy so it is hard for me to follow the meal plan. I am staying at 1200 calories and eliminating bread and fruit this week so we will see. 117 days…
  • I was a crazy person for the first 10 days of planning. I broke out in spots all over my body and realized this isn't worth it. Whatever gets done will whatever doesn't won't. If the colors don't match or the flowers are not exactly what I pictured it will be fine. At the end of the day all that matters is that I will be…
  • Ha that's what my fiancé wanted to walk into. But i got a feeling by black eyed peas is what we met too.
  • I went on wedding wire and found a judge. He got great reviews and is very nice. We are getting married over looking a golf course.
  • We got engaged Jan 27, 2012. I ordered my dress Feb 26, 2012. We are getting married Aug 18, 2012. I think you have plenty of time. The shop said it takes 4 months for the dress to arrive.
  • I have been 100% vegan for a year till last week. I added in wild caught fish. My body was screaming for it. Now feeling a 100% complete.
  • I have been on at least 6 different types of bc trying to control my mood swings, weight, being lethargic and lack of a sex drive. Being on or off never made a difference. Last year i decided to make a major life change and become vegan. Guess what all my symptoms are gone and i am on the ring living life to the fullest.