

  • Welcome aboard, myfitnesspal has sparked my motivation, since I have been a member, I have lost about 40 lbs, My goal now is to lose about 15 more. and I know I can do. You can do it to, Don't feel bad about falling off, the main thing is that, you got right back up, that's the key. We have all fell, some more than once,…
  • Thanks for the tip about the ,isles I never really noticed that,:happy:
  • Both !!!! I do Zumba twice a week at the gym, one day, i go all out, and on the second day, I take it kind of easy, You set the tone for your body. I love it most of the weight that I lost and body toning is from me going to zumba, I tell you one thing you wont be bored.:happy: