jj789 Member


  • Love this thread and the original one! These ladies are all beautiful and have the right idea of how to treat their body :) I'm going to come back to this for inspiration later!
  • Hey AnnieJosey, I'm curious to see how the Carb Nite Solution has been going for you this last month. I just started as well. I feel like I get even better weight loss when I have at least a 1:1 fat to protein ratio. For instance, the other day I ate 120 grams of fat and about 90 grams of protein with about 20 net carbs. I…
  • The book is definitely worth buying. I got it for just $27. It's amazing, looking at the forums on the website, how many people try to do it without reading the book and completely miss the major parts of the diet. The forums are also a great resource to see pictures from real people who have had astonishing results. While…
  • I'd like to hear an update from people on this board. I've started Carb Nite too. I read through the conversation and I think I can help with some of the prior questions since I just finished the book: 1. You can have up to 30 NET carbs. That means total carbs of food item - fiber = net carbs. The author really makes a…