Yes!!! This was me last night at dinner!
Pickles are one, but the smell and taste of MUSTARD make me vommit almost instantly. I CANNOT stand it! haha And licorice flavored things. No-no for me.
Count me in!!!!
"Hi, my name is, "... I'm strong to the finish cuz I eats my spinach!..." " Haha wait, I like this one too!! :)
Hi! My name is ... "I will not feel afraid to be naked in front of my boyfriend/be seen in a bikini ever again."
Welcome ThinkThinAgain! My best advice to you for this time around is to just keep a positive attitude! I know it may seem hopeless sometimes when you feel like you've tried everything, but something's gotta give at some point. And always remember every healthy choice you make, from choosing water over soda, or the veggie…